Short update on the progress on the Encyclopedia of Life, an effort to catalog all of Earth's species. A very ambitious and worthwhile project. Another similar project is the Tree of Life, which focuses more on the phylogenetic (evolutionary) relationships between species.
Chris Jordan Photographic Arts
A blogger at Ready Made Magazine is trying to survive for a week without plastic. Very interesting concept, I have seen this done a few times before with other materials. But it reminded me of the artwork of Chris Jordan, who creates mosaics using certain numbers of items.

The example above is made of 10000 dog and cat collars, which represents the average number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in the US every day. The gallery at his website features close-up views of the work, and most of his others, so that the individual pieces can be seen.
Very powerful work, I highly recommend visiting the site and checking out the two Running the Numbers galleries. A great visual statement on our disposable culture in America.