Friday, December 3, 2010

Brain Myths and Other Stuff

Some quick Google searching turned up a bunch of sites with the title "Top X Brain Myths Debunked", with X being anywhere between 10 - 12. Here are links to a couple that were brought up in class.

New wrinkles as you learn something

You only use 10% of your brain

If there are more that we talked about in class that you remember, you can link to them in the comments, or if you can't find anything, let me know and I will look them up.

Here is a link to a game where you can replicate the studies done in split brain patients. Remember, these are patients whose corpus callosum, the thick band of nerves that connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum, has been surgically split to treat epilepsy.


Anonymous said...

ALright Dr. H. here's the right brain vs left brain test to see which side of the brain you use.

Enrico Cabredo said...