Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer Assignment: 8.30

Final post for the summer assignment 2011! No articles to read this week, just some information I want to get from you. First, a couple of questions I would like you all to answer in the comments:

1. What was your favorite post/article from this summer?
2. What topics are you most looking forward to learning about in class this year?

Also, there are a few commenters for which I do not have full names matched up with their user names. If you are on the list below, please post a separate comment with your full name so that I can get your grades in the gradebook properly.

Noel T

Thank you very much for some great comments this summer, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have.

Enjoy your last week of summer, and I will see you when school starts.


Deepa said...

I can't believe my last summer in high school has come to an end! It went by far too quickly!!

And the anticipation of Tuesdays (because of biology posts) was most certainly a fun part of it!

Hmmm...my favorite post? There were a couple that appealed to me more than others. Perhaps 8.2 (the discovery of Xiaotingia zhengi). It was nice to emphasize the ongoing advancements in science and how research is essential to learning about our past, and thus our future.

I also enjoyed reading 7.1 (on the origin of transformers). A witty look at a controversial topic. As I mentioned in a previous post, I adore Richard Dawkins, and my fascination with evolution along with my interest in ID v. evolution arguments can be attributed to him.

This summer's posts have aroused many thoughts and questions in my mind and I am confident that the class will do just the same, if not more.

I most look forward to learning about evolution - evidence, mechanisms, and what to expect in the future. With today's technological evolution occurring at an exponential rate, I wonder whether biological evolution is holding us back and whether or not it will be possible for both to coincide. As an aspiring physician, I really can't wait to delve into all of biology this year (except for maybe plants) - heard it's not particularly thrilling.

Excited to see you all soon and hope you all were safe this past weekend! :-)

Danica C. said...

First off I'd like to say that I can't believe we start school in a week. Where has my summer gone? Anyways, my favorite post would have to be Summer Assignment: 7.26. I enjoyed reading the article about wasp parasites being able to control the mind of its ladybug host, mostly because I never knew that mind control was possible. It was definitely an interesting concept to read about for the first time. Aside from that, I also learned a lot from the advertising article. It taught readers a vital thing everyone needs to be able to do: think. We're living in a world of advertisements and I appreciate that "How Advertising Manipulates Your Choices and Spending Habits (and What to Do About It)" informs people of how ads really affect us.

One thing I'm looking forward to learning about is patterns of inheritance. When I took biology as a freshman this was one of the most interesting topics I learned about. It was fun doing research on my family tree and seeing which traits I inherited from my parents/ancestors. Another topic I'd like to learn about is genomes. I've heard about the Human Genome Project, and by doing a little research on it, genomes became a topic of interest. I'm looking forward to learning new things and expanding my knowledge in biology this year!

christine said...

It was kind of hard picking my most favorite post from the summer, but I enjoyed all the articles that related to psychology, such as the one about how advertisements manipulate us. I also thought the article about the ladybugs was unusual and interesting. Overall most of the articles were really interesting and mentioned different facts that could relate to evolution, or parasites, etc. This year I'm looking forward to learning a lot about the different organisms as well as the molecules and cells within them. I really like the genetics section also and the topics that relate to anatomy and the nervous system. It should be a fun and interesting year and I'm looking forward to it. :)

MarshelindaI said...

My favorite article was the one about the butterflies being the transformers of the insect world.
i'm looking forward to learning about genetic DNA.

Sajal S. said...

My favorite articles were the ones about the mosquitos and the females controlling male handsomeness. I had a lot to say about those two articles so it was easier for me to commment on them. This year, I am interested in learning the cell. I like learning about how a cell functions and the structure of cells. I am also looking forward to learning about the human immune system.

Victoria T said...

My favorite articles from this summer assignment are definitely the Xiaotingia zhengi discovery, the parasites controlling the minds of the ladybugs, and the origin of the transformers! These articles allowed me to contribute more to the blog than the others because they were so interesting. As for the school year, I'm looking forward to learning more about evolution, of course. Also, DNA and genetics, bioethics, genetic engineering, and how animals adapt to their environment.

Bianca said...

From all the articles that were posted, my favorite one was about the butterflies. I found it interesting how a type of butterfly would change the pattern of its wings so it could protect itself from predators. There were some other interesting articles as well, such as the one about the lady bugs. This year I’m looking forward to learn more about genetics, evolution, and different types of parasites.

Ahmed O said...

My favorite article would have to be the one with the parasitic wasps and the lady bugs. That was just insane.
I'm looking forward to learning about the heart and the 4 chambers and how blood flows.

jon8tan said...

The transformer butterfly article and the transformer article were my two favorite posts this summer. Both seemed to be "spot on" with the sort of topics I hope to learn about in the coming year, them being: science's explanation on how life came to be, and a further understanding of scientific research/discovery on intriguing genetic abilities. I'll be anticipating day one :D!

Stephanie W said...

My favorite post this summer is the one from July 26th. The fact that the parasitic wasps are able to use the ladybug to hatch and then uses it to protect its cocoon really surprised me; I had no idea that something like that was even possible. Also, I liked how we were able to voice our opinion about the heavy advertising we are exposed to daily.

I am most interested in learning about genetics next year. From what I remember in freshman year, I like that unit the most because there was so much to take in with DNA, dominant and recessive traits and punnet squares.

Srishti said...

Wow I cant believe summer went by so fast! Anways, i found all the posts very interesting, but my favorite was the one about parasites controlling the minds of ladybugs. I had no idea that mind controlling was a possibilty and after reading that article i thought it was pretty cool. The two things i look forward to learning about this year are Evolution and DNA.

mduttster said...

1. I think that my favorite post from this summer's bio blog was 8.16, about the mimicking butterflies and whip spiders. I like the behavioral aspects of animals, having a dog and cat myself, so it can be interesting to see how other animals that are not household act when they are in danger, attempting to mate, etc. Another aspect I liked was the more psychological articles, like on advertisements and how they affect your decision making, and I hope we get to look deeper at things like that this year.

2. In class, I think I'm most looking forward to going more in-depth with the brain and how complex it is. To be able to send so many signals at the exact right time so that muscles work, organs keep you alive and breathe so that you can drive a car or catch a football.

Definitely looking forward to this class this year

BigDrew said...

My favorite article would be the one about the sperm less mosquitoes that are going to try to fight Malaria. This one was my favorite for two reasons, first because I really hate mosquitoes, and second because it’s really cool that scientist can do this.
I am most looking forward to learning about evolution just because it’s such a big concept to wrap your head around.

Anonymous said...

I found all articles interesting, but the article that caught my attention the most was the article about the paraistic wasp manipulating the ladybug into hatching and caring for its offspring. I never knew something like that could happen and it surprised me even more that the ladybug did not die after the wasp reached adulthood.

I'm looking forward to learning about genetics, how organisms survive, and how organisms have evolved over the years. When I took biology freshmen year, those topics interested me the most and I look forward to learning about those topics more in depth.

trolby said...

My favorite article was definitely the one with the zombie ladybugs. Insects really freak me out, but I find their behaviors and evolutionary adaptations to be fascinating for some reason.

I'm looking forward to learning about parasites, probably because they freak me out just as much as insects and bugs. I guess I just have a think about learning about what I fear.

sayan.royc said...

My favorite article from the summer bio blog was the one about genetically engineering spermless male mosquitoes in order to control the spread of malaria. It is fascinating how scientists can almost play God in determining the fate of mosquitoes.

The topics I am most looking forward to learning about evolution, but more specifically human evolution and how our ancestors and their body structures evolved over time in order to adapt to current conditions. Also, I want to learn what caused these changes and why humans are the most dominant species on the planet even though we are not the fastest or strongest animals on the earth.

velez.caroline43 said...

I just want to start off by saying that I really, truly enjoyed this summer assignment. My favorite article would have to be the Summer Assignment 7.26. It just fascinated me that something like this was even possible in nature! Now every time I look at a ladybug this is all that I can think of. The one topic I am pretty excited to learn about is parasites. There are so many and they all have something unique about the effects they have on living things, even though some of them freak me out.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I enjoyed reading the articles every week and liked the fact that everyone was able to post their opinion and what they felt about the article. My favorite article was the one about the ladybug and the wasp that controlled it. I know that many people found this article gross and disturbing, even i did a little. However, the article showed how animals are evolving and how different types of species use what they have around them to their benefit. It shows us how the world is evolving and how these types of things are always around us, we just have not played close enough attention to acknowledge it. Many of the articles that we have read had some type of connection with evolution, so I am excited to learn about that. Things are evolving and changing all around us but a lot of is never take the time to look and see what is happening. It will be interesting to see how things have grown from how they first were. I had learned a lot of things that I did not know before and I enjoyed many of them.

Heather said...

My favorite article of the summer would have to be the zombie ladybugs. It was kind of creepy knowing that one insect can brainwash another. What I'm looking forward to learning about most this year is genetics.

Jason said...

My favorite article from the summer probably was the 2nd article from July 26, the article about how advertising influencing spending habits. Although the article itself wasn't really "science-related," it did make you think about the things you see on TV, in magazines, on billboards, etc, every day. It seems that advertising agencies themselves have advertising down to a science.

During the school year, I am interested in learning about DNA and genetics, and how traits and other characteristics pass through a species.

asze226 said...

I think that the most interesting article from this summer project would have to be the article from 8.9 in which females may control the evolution of male handsomeness. I found this article easy to comment on, and the ideas of my peers also intrigued me. This year I am excited to learn about the changes in evolution, and the different aspects of genes.

dhruvsandilya94 said...

Without a doubt my favorite article throughout this entire summer was the article on Transformers.

I'm looking forward to learning about reproduction and genetics.

Kerianne F said...

My favorite posts were about parasites, like the mind-controlling parasite in ladybugs and Toxoplasma in rats! These articles interested me because I never knew that parasites were capable of so much, including changing the behavior of the host! I also enjoyed the articles about new advances in science and recent discoveries, like the fossil Xiaotingia zhengi. This year in biology I am interested to learn about cells as well as about evolution. Heredity and genetics were also topics that interested me as well. I am extremely excited for biology this year!

Anonymous said...

Wow i can't believe summer is already over! I had a great time commenting on such interesting articles. My favorite articles were the ladybug controlling wasps, the butterflies, and the Xiaotingia zhengi. All of them were really fascinating and cool I learned cool things about biology, like really who wasps were so contolling!
I can't wait to start biology. I am really extcited about learning more about evolution and genetics.

Arthi said...

Although I did like all of the posts because they presented the more interesting aspects of biology, I liked the article about the genetic engineering of mosquitoes the most. It is remarkable how by altering genes we are able to combat the spread of malaria. I have been thinking about pursuing biomedical engineering in college next year, and I'm hoping I can be involved in research as novel as this at some point in my college career!

I look forward to learning about genetics and about molecular and cellular biology. Those two fields have huge potential to offer cures and treatments for diseases such as cancer. I was able to get a preview of transcription, translation, and cell division and how we can manipulate certain steps in those processes to limit tumor development. I hope we go into these in further detail.

Evolution is also incredibly interesting. I would like to know how we are able to trace our ancestors and create phylogenetic trees extending so far back into time. I also would like to know if humans are still evolving, and if we are not, if that will be a detriment in the long run. For example, by developing drugs against diseases to help individuals, are we forgoing the benefits of natural selection?

I really enjoyed reading all of the posts. This summer assignment was not boring as others are typically, and I definitely look forward to this class!

Also, I am "ThizzleBlog." (That name was the brainchild of the crazy middle school Arthi. :( I promptly changed it to Arthi when I realized that was my name on the earlier posts)

somers312 said...

My favorite article this summer probably was the one we first commented on. Why is there sex? Comparing sexual and asexual reproducing beings and which is more dominant and would be more beneficial. I found it interesting and I enjoyed commenting on it.

I am looking forward to this year a lot. Biology is the one subject where you always find out new things. Whether it's about humans, animals, or plants. It is so interesting. One thing I am especially looking forward to learning about is genetics and evolution. To learn about where we came from and why we are the way we are. And I hope this year will be a lot of fun.

mach said...

The article on parasites controlling ladybugs is what probably interested me the most because I never really thought of parasites to be as intelligent as they are. I mean they could control minds, influence the evolution of sexual reproduction and I'm sure they can do much more. So I'll be waiting to learn more about what parasites are able to do. I'm also looking forward to getting more in-depth about genetics; dominant, recessive genes, punnett squares and all that good stuff we learned from freshman bio.

Camille S. said...

My favorite article was "On The Origins of Transformers." While I know a lot of people thought that Ebert's satire was ridiculous, I enjoyed his witty writing and how he made the concept of an Intelligent Designer easier to understand through example of Transformers.
This year I am most looking forward to cell function and structure. It is amazing how these tiny cells can perform such a wide array of tasks and have an incredible infrastructure.

rdurante said...

My favorite post would be the articles about toxoplasma and parasites controlling their hosts. I like how I read about that in a fictional book and then to find out that it's true. I'm just fascinated by the idea of that phenomenon. That really interests me and I'm excited to learn more about that topic this year.

See you soon!

Noel T said...

The article that I found most interesting was the On the origins of Transformers. I learned something new about intelligent design in a sort of fun way. Plus I enjoyed thinking about if Transformers were in fact created due to intelligent design.

I look forward to learning about genetics. Some topics in genetics just sounds like something Stephen Hawking would create. I also like to see how far it has progressed over the many years.

Leon Thanikal

ADP said...

I found the article concerning the toxoplasma parasite to be the most interesting. I still can't believe how it is able to influence the choices of the rats to make sure that it ends up inside another cat.
The topic I am looking most forward to is the studying viruses and parasites. For years viruses have fascinated me and I am always looking to learn more about them.

tclayton said...

My favorite article of the summer was the one about the parasitic wasp in the zombie ladybug. It really caught my attention and I was so interested about how the parasite was able to manipulate the ladybug. I was not aware that things like this could happen. A wasp growing inside a ladybug then somehow forcing the bug to watch over the cocoon after it’s hatched? Some things that nature does are too cool.

I’m really looking forward to learning about a few topics this year. All of the articles on insects and parasites really interested me and I cannot wait to learn about the other cool things that certain species can do. Also, I really want to learn about the human body and genetic information. It really interests me on how people have developed and how genes and traits have evolved over the years.

Zach Levine said...

My favorite article from this summer was the 8.9 post, Scientists Create Spermless Males to Fight the Spread of Malaria. I just can't wrap my mind around how scientifically advanced we have become. I love how the article dealt with tackling the horrific disease of malaria, and since I am considering in majoring with something towards the medical field this interested me greatly. I could only hope that one day, I can be a part of a major scientific breakthrough and change the world. And of course, I found all of the parasite-related articles this summer extremely intriguing! Before this summer, all I thought a parasite could do was live inside of a host and eat their food. But being able to control sexual evolution? Zombie-like mind control? Making a rat sexually attracted to its mortal enemy, the cat? I would have never guessed!

The topic that I'm looking forward to learning about the most this year in class is, hopefully, the careers that can be pursued with a degree in Biology. All I know is that I want to major in Biology/Chemistry, and I'd really like to know what possible careers I could pursue after college. I also look forward to revisiting genetics, because I remember how much that interested me during Freshman year. Thank you for the informative articles this summer, Dr H.!

Nicole K said...

Okay I finally caught up with all the articles...and look at that school starts tomorrow =/
Personally, I found the article about wasp parasites being able to control the mind of its ladybug host along with the blog about the Butterfly camouflage “supergene” and the one about advertising to be the most stimulating articles.
On a periodically basis, I felt that these articles were both intellectually stimulating and thought provoking. Hopefully the class, like this online community, will foster the same.
I hope in the course of the school year we will explore modern evolution, natural selection, and take a more abstract approach to science, by collaborating biology, physiology and even some conceptual and theoretic perspectives.

maemae said...

I guess my favorite article was the most recent post about the mind altering parasites. The thought of using their powers on humans can have so many consequences and uses, good and bad. What I want to learn in bio is how to pass the test so I do t have to take this class again in college. Haha, though I am interested in learning about "cute puppies" as Mr. Emerson said my freshman year. In a honesty though, I am looking forward to learning about evolution and relearning what I don't remember from 2009.

Amanda W said...

My favorite article was the butterfly transformer one. I thought it was cool how these butterflies can just alter their wings' appearance and avoid predators. A close second was the one where the wasps can control the ladybug's mind. I never knew animals were capable of mind control! I look foward to learning genetics and how our DNA has evolved over time. Looking foward to this class.

Anonymous said...

My favorite article was the one about
Toxoplasma. It was by far the most interesting for me because I would have never thought mind control would be possible and ever could affect humans until now.
I am looking forward mostly learning about the components and systems of living organisms rather than how they came to develop them.

Anonymous said...

My favorite article was the one about the transforming butterfly. It really surprised me how genes can just change like that. Im looking forward to learn about how plants and animals are able to function.

choogiesaur said...

1. favorite articles:
the sexually aroused rats and toxoplasmic cats. and the zombie ladybugs/evil wasps article :D both were funny.

2. genetic engineering, cool characteristics of individual organisms, and the everyday practical uses and inventions that come as a result of studying organisms.

sarahbizza said...

First off, I'd like to say how much this summer project was a success! I think you got through to a lot more people and made it social by doing it online - other than getting ANOTHER "summer packet" to do! My favorite article to read was probably the one about the mosquitoes and the whole "too attractive" debate. The comments were interesting to read as well! I'm REALLY excited to learn about genetics! I have always been interested in DNA and human genetics.

Esther L said...

I think that my favorite article was about the zombie ladybug and the wasp. Even though it was slightly disturbing and manipulative of the wasp to utilize something else to guard its offspring, it was awesome to see how each species works and the different ways that they use other things to protect their own species. In that same post was the article on Ads. I think that that appealed to my rather sarcastic and cynical nature concerning the stupid things that humans, as gullible as they are, fall for; specifically things that they don't need and then waste their money on. That would be what led us into this "recession." I still don't understand why you would spend money that you don't have. Just wait until you have money or decide based on necessity. It's just that simple.

Mmmmm. I think that i'm looking forward to learning about DNA and specifically how the body functions the way that it does, particularly on such a small scale. I remember going over DNA and other small scale topics freshman year and i liked it very much!

DanC said...

My favorite article was definitely the one about transformers. It was a bit farfetched but reasonable at the same time. I look forward to learnig about genetics and parasites.