Friday, December 5, 2008

Chapter 16 review packet answers

Here are the answers to the answers to chapter 16 review packet. If you need more explanation for any of the answers, leave a comment and I will respond.

Interactive question 16.5
a. helicase.....................................................h. DNA polymerase
b. Single-strand binding potein.................i. RNA primer
c. DNA polymerase.....................................j. primase
d. leading strand.........................................k. replication fork
e. lagging strand......................................l. 3' end of parental strand
f. ligase..............................................m. 5' end of parental strand
g. Okazaki fragments

Multiple choice
1. c....................................12. d
2. a...................................13. e
3. b.................................. 14. a
4. a...................................15. d
5. b...................................16. e
6. a...................................17. c
7. b...................................18. d
8. e...................................19. e
9. e...................................20. c
10. a.................................21. a
11. e

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