Monday, September 19, 2011

Chapter 3 Review Answers

Here are the answers for the chapter 3 review packet that I promised. If you have questions, post them in the comments, and I will answer them as quickly as I can.

Interactive Questions

a. water molecules
b. absorbed
c. released
d. specific heat
e. heat of vaporization
f. evaporative cooling
g. heat
h. snow
i. ice

a. hydrophobic - nonpolar
b. hydrophilic - polar
c. hydrophilic - ionic
d. hydrophibic - nonpolar

a. 45 g
0.5 mol/1 L x 90 g/1 mol = 45 g/L

b. 228 g
2 mol/1 L x 57 g/1 mol x 2 L = 228 g


              10e-6     8   basic
10e-7                   7   neutral
10e-1    10e-13         acidic

Donor - H2CO3
Acceptor - HCO3-

a. Left
b. right

Structure Your Knowledge

a. Adhesion
b. Water transport up tall tree trunks
c. Energy is needed to break hydrogen bonds
d. Heat of vaporation
e. Temperature moderation, climate moderation
f. Evaporative cooling
g. Sweating/panting to cool body
h. Hydrogen bonds stabilize in ice
i. Insulation of bodies of water during winter.
j. Good solvent ability
k. Dissolves polar molecules

Test Your Knowledge
  1. c
  2. a
  3. e
  4. e
  5. b
  6. d
  7. e
  8. b
  9. e
  10. d
  11. b
  12. d
  13. c
  14. c
  15. e
  16. a
  17. d
  18. e
  19. d
  20. e

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