Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Assignment 8.6

Really easy assignment this week. Of the below proposed scientific "breakthroughs", which one do you
      a) think is most likely to occur in your lifetime.
      b) most want to see occur in your lifetime.

Amazing Scientific Breakthroughs
Via Doghouse Diaries


Shivam P. said...

The one that I believe is most likely to occur in my lifetime is the one where the university finds out a way to amplify the power of a solar panel by 800 rendering fossil fuels useless. I think it is very likely since scientific knowledge and scientific advancements and improvements seem to grow exponentially every year. The one I would like to see occur most is the advancements in ion rocket propulsion, even though I believe the cure for cancer would be better I'd rather see humans find a way to a new planet. It would be very cool to be alive and watch as astrounats explored new planets and possibly even have to move to it myself. Who knows we could even end up in on Pandora with the avatars.

Unknown said...

a) I think that the most likely event to occur in my lifetime is "a groundbreaking new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body". I believe this will most likely occur compared to the others because of the massive research being done on cancer. Also, since it is currently one of the most funded organizations, I believe that scientists and researchers all around the world are bound to find something groundbreaking in the fight against cancer.

b) The event I most want to see occur in my lifetime is "researchers discovering a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproducing any body part a person needs". I want to see this happen because I believe that it would be revolutionary in the field of science and would help all those who are disabled from birth to enjoy life as anyone else would. Also, in the case of those who became disabled later on in their life, whether through injury or disease, stem cells would help them gain their life back and return to normal. However, I believe that this is very far from occurring in my lifetime and is not likely to happen for a long time. Nonetheless, I would still like to see this happen this most out of all the other events.

Unknown said...

Of these proposed scientific breakthroughs, the one that would most likely to happen is making solar panels so efficient that fossil fuels are obsolete. With today's focus on going green, this breakthrough would rid the Earth of air pollution, causing less health problems.
The one breakthrough I would love to see in our life time is using stem cells from a single hair to reproduce perfectly any body part a person need. This would make injuries less time consuming and painful. Being an athlete, having this type of medical treatment would make an athlete's life easier knowing he or she can play at full strength without fear of injury. These breakthroughs would change the way we live our lives

Unknown said...

Reading these possible discoveries, I became excited because I hope that these things will eventually happen so that society can improve itself. Choosing only one that I am looking forward to was a very close decision. However, using proper judgment and thinking about the uses each of the discoveries would have, I think that the third discovery written is the one I look forward to. It has so many benefits. For example, scientists can use this to create limbs for the brave soldiers fighters in our world that lost their legs, arms, or other parts. It can renew their lives. It can thank them for their sacrifice and tell them that their bodies are something that they can preserve and keep. My grandmother had to have surgery on her leg at a later age, but the surgeon had made a mistake. For that mistake, my grandmother pays the price even ten years later. If she were to use this discovery, she would be as healthy as ever and would be able to visit me overseas more often. Most importantly, she would be happy. This could happen to nearly everyone and anyone, and it probably has. This advancement could change their lives for the better and reduce the likeliness of lifelong complications that could result in surgery. People with brain defections such as Autism, Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow Disease, etc. could get a new brain and renew their lives to be happy and healthy, too. This could also apply with people who are deaf, blind, were born premature, have disabilities, and many more. However, a problem with it could be regarding religion. For example, people who are a part of Jehovah’s Witness most likely would not take those limbs. I mean, they are not allowed to take blood because they believe that life is a gift and that preserving it would be sinful, so preserving body parts, in that sense, would be even more sinful. Some extremists may become against it and despise it. I don’t know any other religious or ethical groups that feel the same way or what they would do in response, but controversy would be inevitable. The benefits are undeniable, and I have no mixed feelings about it, so this discovery would be one that I look forward to.

The advancement that I think would be most likely to occur in my lifetime would be the second one about a university developing a system which amplifies the efficiency of solar panels and renders the use of fossil fuels obsolete. I think this would be most likely to occur because many new countries are converting themselves into a newer ‘eco-green’ phase. Sooner or later, majority of today’s society will hopefully realize that our world is our home, so if we don’t take care of it, it will become a wasteland to live in and nearly impossible to leave. As well as this, politics is also being affected by the limits on fossil fuels. We are running low on supplies, and countries are demanding more money in exchange for it. With poor economics and different currencies, one can only imagine how difficult this must be. Because of this high urgency, more and more people would want to work towards this, therefore someone or the other would find the solution. As they say, the more, the merrier!

Unknown said...

Of the five proposed scientific breakthroughs, I see the new bacteria that fights cancer to be most likely. The fight against cancer has so many scientists and doctors trying to find cure, I imagine something will be discovered within my life time. The other options seem more far fetched; the magnitude of the discoveries sound too extreme.

Although the cancer breakthrough is most likely, I'd prefer to see a huge leap in stem cell research. A single strand of hair is easily acquired and replacing body parts can fuel the other breakthroughs to follow. Some forms of cancers could be cured if the infected area was small enough; parts produced through stem cell research could replace the infected. With more healthy people in general, more people could pursue the desire to make more efficient energy or find more inhabitable planets.

Unknown said...

Of the proposed scientific breakthroughs, the ion rocket propulsion could occur in our life time. Astronomers are now aware of the closeness of Earth- like planets and the amount of such entities that actually exist. They believe that the nearest Earth- like planet is 13 light years away (77 trillion miles).This may seem like a long way to go with a normal, average rocket. However the ion rocket, if properly manufactured and enforced, could reach the destination in a better time frame. Modern ion thrusters are capable of propelling a spacecraft up to 90,000 meters per second (over 200,000 miles per hour ).It is almost 15 times as much as the space shuttle’s speed of 18,000 mph. They are also an economically apt method of space transport, for the launch and operation costs are essentially reduced.
This concept has been around since the 1960’s, when the first ion propulsion was tested and resulted in a success. It has been over 50 years since then and technological advancements are making this idea more substantial. Advancements are being made that allow the thrusters to operate at higher power levels, higher speeds, and for longer durations. This is simply the beginning of discovery and so I believe that in the near future, we will be able to identify planets similar to earth in the form of ion propulsion.
Among these important potential discoveries, I would like to live in world where cancer has been won over. All of the other advances are not critical to our lives; the only thing that spurs the other ideas is our curiosity. But think about it, if we have cancer, we may not even be alive to see these breakthroughs. Cancer can easily eat away a lot of the population, if a cure is not found for it. If that’s the case, why should any other discoveries take priority over it? The human life is more significant in comparison. Cancer is the cause of around 13% of all deaths worldwide. Statistics show that around 7.6 million people have died from cancer in 2008. If this trend continues, it has been predicted that it will cause 13.2 million deaths each year by 2030. Though it is unfortunate that we are in the midst of this cancer evolution, it would be remarkable if cure is found at least for the upcoming generations.

DevanshK said...

Of the proposed breakthroughs, I think the most likely to occur in my lifetime is finding a groundbreaking new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. I believe so because the is an astoundingly large amount of research being done to find a cure for cancer. Also, there are already bacteria in the human body that help us without harming us, so it is quite possible to find such a bacteria that fights cancer.

The breakthrough I most want to see occur in my lifetime is making solar panels 800 times more powerful in order to make fossil fuels obsolete. I think if we no longer needed fossil fuels, the world would not only stop being polluted, but maybe some of the pollution would actually clear up. Also, people would have more money since gas prices would drastically reduce. Another thing is if solar panels became 800 times more powerful, not having a lot of daylight wouldn't be too much of a problem since a lot of sunlight from the last day of sunshine would be stored.

Unknown said...

1. I think that developing a system that amplifies the efficiency of solar panels by 800x, rendering the use of fossil fuels obsolete is the most likely to occur during my lifetime. With the government funding a lot of "Go Green" projects and everyone focusing on helping the environment, I wouldn't be surprised when people run into this breakthrough.

2. I would want to see the prototype battery that has one hundred times the life of a standard household battery, is a fraction of the cost, and contains absolutely nothing harmful to the environment. With all of the electronics we use today, having the battery would would be revolutionary. Not hurting the environment and it being 100x a normal battery would help expand our horizons on building electronics.

Unknown said...

Two of these "breakthroughs" stood out to me as I read this cartoon, the stem cell technology and the cancer-curing bacteria. Though I would love to see both of these happen, I would have to say that the stem cell technology is most likely to actually occur sometime in the near future. Researchers are constantly working on developing advanced technologies in order to recreate stem cells and eventually create new body parts. We already know that this type of advancement is possible, so it is simply left down to finding the method necessary to effectively do so.
As for the cancer fighting bacteria, I'm sure I'm on the same page as many of my peers when I say that this discovery would be astounding. Cancer is such a common and deadly disease that if you are not related to or a close friend with a victim of cancer, then you certainly know someone who is. If such an amazing bacteria could be discovered that did in fact fight cancerous cells, millions of lives would be saved. As an addition to that, an endless amount of money could be saved by both patients and hospitals who have to put precious time, money, and tools into treating cancer patients, whether it is through surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. Regardless, the uncovering of an amazing bacteria which could do no harm to the human body and still help us cure cancer would save the lives of any potential cancer patient that would ever suffer from the disease in the future.

Unknown said...

Of these proposed scientific breakthroughs that could possibly happen in my lifetime is when they find a new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. Every day researchers are looking at new way to fight and or cure cancer. Also, right now chemotherapy is the best possibility to fight cancer but sometimes it harms people more than usually. The patients begin to lose their hair and start to get weak, also they become sick. In some strange cases the chemotherapy kills people faster than it should.

In my lifetime I would like to see researchers discover to take a stem cell from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs. Some people lose a leg or an arm due to any circumstance. Also, soldiers lose their body parts when they go out and fight for their country. Bad things always happen to good people. Sometimes, there are people that are born without arms, like in a case of a young girl named Tisha. Or the story about Bethany Hamilton, where she was minding her own business in the ocean and out of nowhere a shark came and bit here arm right off. Even though she learned how to live like that, she would definitely use another arm since she surfs. Everyone deserves a second chance at life.

Therefore, hopefully they find a new way to fight cancer so people can live longer and also they can reproduce body parts so they can be able to walk or write normal.

Purva P. said...

a) I think the event stating that "a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs," could happen in our lifetime. This is because our science field now is working on that experiment. We hear much about how stem cells might be the revolutionary new way to help our people and the research that is being conducted with our DNA. Even though it isn't completely true if it will be done, out of all the other claimed breakthroughs, this one is probably most likely to happen.

b) I would love to see, "a groundbreaking new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body," because cancer is such a heartbreaking thing to hear for anyone. To bring a cure to something that kills millions of loved ones, is amazing because then there is hope for everyone and it also means our research is skyrocketing at new heights.

Unknown said...

The proposed breakthrough that I think will most likely occur in my lifetime is the idea of improving the efficiency of solar panels. This is because the modern world is becoming more aware of the dangers of fossil fuels on the environment, and is competitively working towards being more "eco friendly". Solar panels have recently become more appealing and available to home owners, especially for those who are conscious of the environment. However, the fact that many of us are living in a poor economy and that solar panels cost a great deal to construct and install for each home makes solar panels less accessible to a majority of the public. So, with at least 800x more power and efficiency, a single solar panel can hopefully provide energy and electricity to an entire neighborhood (even town) without the high cost of installing solar panels for each individual home. Furthermore, fossil fuels very well may no longer be needed!

The breakthrough I would appreciate the most to experience in my lifetime would be the discovery of fighting cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. Many of my family members unfortunately lost their battles against cancer, so I hope to see a cure in the future. It is no surprise that cancer is one of the most common battles people face, and researchers all around the world are working to find a way to end it. Many treatments and therapies have been used to prevent and terminate the spread of cancer cells, such as chemotherapy, cancer vaccines, etc. However, all of these treatments, just like anything else in medicine, can involve harmful risks and side effects. So, the idea that a bacteria can be used to fight cancer cells without destroying any other cells in the body would be an amazing breakthrough!!

Unknown said...

I think the discovery researchers will make to take a stem cell from a single hair to replicate any body part is most likely to happen in my lifetime. Technology is advancing every year, and soon we will be able to accomplish the unthinkable, such a replicating body parts from stem cells. Amputations occur frequently nowadays, especially among soldiers and those suffering from certain diseases, and I think being able to replace a body part is incredible. Doing this can both help save someone's life and can improve their quality of life. Receiving a duplicate body part can give someone a second chance at accomplishing their goals and continuing doing what they love, such as running or swimming. I would really love to see something like this happening during my lifetime.

I want to see the discovery of the harmless bacteria that can fight cancer in my lifetime. In my opinion, cancer is one of the worst diseases one can have and seeing cancer victims suffering always breaks my heart. Curing cancer is something every researcher has attempted, and I think eventually we will be able to find a cure. However, I know it is very hard to find a cure because cells duplicate at a very rapid rate and they can form tumors and quickly spread to other parts of the body. Cancer is already a funded research program at several universities and research facilities, and I think that dedicated scientists will find a cure for cancer.

Unknown said...

I think the bacteria that are used to cure cancer will occur in my lifetime and it is also one that I hope doctors can discover. There are many bright people out there searching for the cure for cancer and I believe one day, they will find that cure. It will be very difficult, but with the many advances the human race has made, it is possible. Once the cure is found, countless lives will be saved and it is a phenomenon I hope I live through.

The breakthrough I most want to see, however, is the one in which researchers discover a way to take stem cells and reproduce any part of the body a person needs. There are many war veterans with missing limbs from being in combat and this breakthrough will change their lives. Not only will it help soldiers, but it would benefit the everyday person who either got in an accident or needed to have the limb removed for medical reasons. Prosthetic limbs are used today and although they are very helpful to those who need them, they are expensive. If there was a way to take a single hair and reproduce any body part perfectly, it would just be astonishing to me.

Rockie D said...

a) I think that the scientific breakthrough that is most likely to occur in my lifetime is the cure for cancer using harmless bacteria. Of course, one cannot ignore the immense amount of research for this purpose. It is one of the main focuses in today's medical world. And there have been breakthroughs in this fight against cancer, even though there is not yet a cure. For example, scientists have found harmless bacteria in soil called Clostridium sporogenes that makes an enzyme that activates a cancer drug, a treatment that only kills cancer cells (unlike chemotherapy). If discoveries and advances like this are continued to be made, and research is persistently put into it, this could lead to figuring out a full-blown cure. I don't think that people are going to give up on this cause anytime soon, and there have been beams of hope such as the one provided by Clostridium sporogenes. I can see this happening, and I can't wait.

b) The scientific breakthrough I most want to see in my lifetime is also the cure for cancer. I was torn between this option and the one about the stem cells, but a cure for cancer would save more lives. People can live without their limbs, after all, but I do still hope that that breakthrough is to come as well. Cancer has killed so many people, and it would benefit just about everyone if a cure were to come about. Statistics show that about half of men and one-third of women in the US alone will have cancer in their lifetime. In addition, almost everybody knows someone who has or had cancer, and has to deal with the emotional repercussions even if they don't have it themselves. Even those that have survived cancer have had to suffer too much, and it needs to be prevented. It would be truly amazing and a great leap for medicine.

RadhaV said...

a)“The university has developed a system which amplifies the efficiency of solar panels by 800x, rendering the use of fossil fuels obsolete” is probably the proposed breakthrough that will occur in my lifetime. We have already been using solar panels. A few houses in my neighborhood have been using them and other houses around New Jersey too. Since solar panels have already been created, it’s the matter of making them better. Making something better is a lot easier than creating/finding a whole new thing.

b)I couldn’t choose between two of the proposed breakthroughs that I want to see occur in my lifetime. An abundant of people die from cancer, and for a long time, we have been trying to find a cure for it. I know a lot of people that have/had cancer, so I really hope that the cure will come soon. Technology is very advanced and so is the human race. I really hope that these advancements will allow us to find a cure for every cancer. Another proposed breakthrough that I want to see occur is taking stem cells from a hair and producing any body part an individual needs. This would be amazing, because many people don’t have a certain body part. Whether they had a birth defect or they lost it in a war, these people have been through a lot. I would love to see these two proposed breakthroughs to happen and change human life.

Sanjana O said...

I believe that of all the breakthroughs, finding a new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body will occur. As many people above have stated, a cure for cancer is being hugely researched. We see it everywhere,in our schools, on our TV's, at the store; one foundation or the other asking for donations to help research a cure for cancer. Sooner or later, they will find a cure, and I believe that it will occur during my lifetime. So far all we have is chemotherapy, and if we catch the cancer in the early stages before it spreads, there is also a chance. I hope and believe that I will live to see the day when there is a definite cure for cancer and when cancer will not have the power to kill as many people it does today.

The breakthrough I most want to see; however, is a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs. I want to see this happen because people who lose parts of there bodies in accidents or are unfortunately born without a body part, will have a chance to get it back and feel more or less normal. Not only that, every single one of our body parts is of use to us and if these people get the body parts they need, there is probably no better gift they could receive. Sure there are fake arms and things like that people can use, but nothing compares to a real functioning arm.

Unknown said...

I think that the new, 800x more efficient solar panels is the most likely breakthrough to occur. It seems like a likely breakthrough because even today people can render the use of fossil fuels obsolete with the use of solar panels, the only problem is that they aren't efficient enough to allow fossil fuels to become totally obsolete...yet.

As for the breakthrough that I'd like to see occur in my lifetime, I'd have to go with the ion propulsion rocket. This would be an exciting breakthrough because it literally allows us to explore a whole new world with great possibilities such as discovering new life forms or making new home.

Unknown said...

The advancement that I believe will most likely happen in our lifetime is researchers finding a way to take stem cells from hair and using them to reproduce body parts for transplants. Stem cell research has advanced pretty well in it's short history. I think it has been stalled drastically by people arguing over the ethics of stem cell harvesting and regulations set by governments. Eventually I believe they will be lessened to allow stem cell research to advance unhindered and thus create lots of new medical advancements. It would be amazing to see stem cell research advance to the point that entire limbs or organs can be replaced. Instead of using prosthetics, we could just use their stem cells to grow a new limb.

The breakthrough that I would most like to see is a university developing a system that amplifies the efficiency of solar panels by 800x. Some analysts claim that fossil fuel output will peak and then gradually begin to decline in the next century or so. I believe this will be a major issue down the road that will force nations to research and implement new energy sources, such as solar energy. As the world population continues to grow rapidly and the supply of oil begins to plateau or decline, there will be an energy crisis in the world. However I do think that research is moving quickly and in our lifetime, there will be very efficient solar panels that will eventually be able to replace fossil fuels as an energy source.

Unknown said...

In my lifetime, it would be most likely to discover the ability to kill cancer cells using bacteria in a way that is harmless to the body. Many scientists have been recently intrigued by the human microbiome, the 100 trillion microbes living within humans. So far, doctors have been using fecal transplants to treat gut infections by inserting the feces of a healthy man and his healthy bacteria into the infected region. The healthy bacteria is able to rid the gut infection in the matter of days. Jeroen Raes from the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels even predicted “In 15 years, we will all be drinking specific, personalized probiotic cocktails.” If we can cure diseases with our own “personalized probiotic cocktails” then imagine what we could amount to in 70, or so, years.

What I want to see achieved within my lifespan is the scientific advancement to make solar panels 800 times better, thus rendering fossil fuels obsolete. With fossil fuels no longer needed we reduce foreign dependency and pollution making the world more “green.” However, it is necessary to store the solar energy in some sort of battery, but that’s an easy part. If you open one of those cheap outside lamps that turn on a night, you find that the solar panel on top recharges a battery. Once we are able to vastly improve our solar panel technology, it should be smooth sailing from then on out.

bhrymoc said...

Of the proposed ideas, I think that the scientific breakthrough that is most likely to occur during my lifetime is that regarding stem cells. The idea states that "researchers have discovered a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs". As stem cell research continues to become more and more successful every day, it would not be a surprise if this process were to be perfected in my lifetime. Scientists working in stem cell research labs have already been able to successfully develop many human body parts. They were even able to grow a functioning human trachea. Stem cells have already saved the lives of many people in need of nee body parts. As the research continues, it would not come as a shock to me if this proposed idea were to become a reality.

The proposed scientific breakthrough that I would like to see become a reality during my lifetime is that regarding increased efficiency of solar panels. The idea states that "a university has developed a system which amplifies the efficiency of solar panels by 800x, rendering the use of fossil fuels obsolete". If this were to happen, it would completely alter the rate of global warming. The burning of fossil fuels is one of the main contributors of the earth's warming. The burning of coal, a fossil fuel, gives off extremely high methane emissions into the atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas, methane increases the average global temperature. If we were to stop the use of fossil fuels and rely solely on solar panels, it would help slow global warming at a drastic rate.

Unknown said...

Out of the featured scientific "breakthroughs", I believe that the first statement, which describes how Scientists have found a groundbreaking new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body, is the most likely event to occur in my lifetime. In recent headlines, there have been many reports about doctors transplanting bacteria into people that have diseases or illnesses that normal medicines or procedures could not treat. In the National Geographic article, "Bugs as Drugs", science writer Carl Zimmer describes the many benefits of bacteria, as well as how an enterologist in Minnesota is testing out a strain of E. coli for a type of gut inflammation known as pouchitis.In addition to these reports, Scientists have started research on gene therapy using harmless bacteria to fight a tumor in a person that has cancer, meaning that thoughts about bacteria being used to fight life threatening diseases as well as cancers is already being taken and being furthermore researchered and elaborated.

The breakthrough that I most likely want to see is the third event, describing how researchers have discovered a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs As I have said before, my dad is in bad condition due to his heart attack in 2009. If this event were to actually happen in the future, there would be hope for my dad as doctors could reproduce and transplant a new functioning natural heart in my dad's body with this new process. It could also help many people who have disabled limbs or disorders with special organs. If someone was born blind or deaf, scientists could grow new ears or new eyes to transplant so that those people could see or hear. Likewise, if a person was born with athritis, they can experience the benefits of working limbs. For people that have more serious disorders, such as autism, heart disease, lung disease, or perhaps even cancer, they can experience this process and be changed to have the benefits of a functioning heart, lungs, or even a brain.

Urvashi Sarkar said...

I think that the one that will probably occur in my lifetime would be the one about the solar panels. The reason why I think that this will occur in my lifetime I because there is so many discoveries and advancements in green energy. Almost everyday there is something new about keeping our planet healthy and clean . Many people are now using solar panels for both homes and businesses. I think if this happen it will decrease the amount of pollution in the atmosphere and help us breathe cleaner air. Wit the amount of fast - paced research devoted to this science I think that this will happen in my lifetime. If the efficiency of the solar panels in increased 800 times we might less of them and be able to save money.

The one that I would most want too see would be the one about developing any body part from a single piece of hair. I think that this will be extremely useful when it comes to people needing new organs. When people donate the organs it can put the person who donated the organ and the person receiving the organ at risk. So if this discovery takes place, it will put less people at risk and help save lives at the same time. I also think that this would be very expensive to do. For example, when someone has to have their leg amputated for an infection, we can develop another leg just by using a single strand of their hair.

I think both of these discoveries are going to solve man of the problems that we face today.

Unknown said...

a) Out of these six groundbreaking ideas, I believe that in my lifetime, researchers will discover "a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs." My reason comes from an article displayed a few weeks ago about scientists being able to print a 3D heart that works exactly as a normal human heart. If we are able to create some of the most vital organs for the human body at this day in age, at the rate at which technology is advancing, I'm sure that we will be able to reproduce any body part, not just a heart. The way we can analyze the most microscopic organisms, including cells, leads me to believe that this scientific breakthrough could be achieved through stem cells after all.

b) Although it may happen any time from 23 years to never, I hope that I'll be able to witness the time when, "Incredible technological advancements in ion rocket propulsion has made travel to the nearest earth like planet possible in under 23 years." I have a deep fascination for astronomy that comes from my older brother. Scientists have made it all the way to landing on Mars to discover any possible signs of life. All throughout history we've had stories and movies depicting aliens from other living planets in the universe. It would be beyond incredible if we could someday find that earth like planet, especially in such a short time as under 23 years.

Unknown said...

The event that I think is most likely to occur during my lifetime is using harmless bacteria to fight cancer. Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases and one of the most common ways people are dying today. There is a huge demand for finding a cure, or at least something that can help fight the disease, which is why I think finding harmless bacteria to fight cancer can be a possibility during my lifetime. Scientists are very eager to find anything to combat this disease in its many forms, and it wouldn’t surprise me if something is finally found with all the research and support that it attracts.

The advancement that I would like to see happen the most is being able to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce and body part. This would be helpful in so many ways and could save millions of people around the world. Whether someone needed a limb or an internal organ, this breakthrough would be extremely useful for disabled and diseased people alike.

Unknown said...

Of the proposed scientific "breakthroughs" listed, I would most likely bet my chips in saying that scientists will be able to recreate a functioning body part out of stem cells. Although curing cancer and developing better means of clean energy are avidly sought after, the idea of recreating body parts seems a little bit more tangible to me. As we already know, researchers at MIT have successfully been able to print out a heart! If one is able to print out a functioning organ from a machine, who is to say one isn't able to recreate body parts from undesignated stem cells? Not to mention, jobs in stem cell research has undoubtedly increased and I myself know several people who wish to pursue careers in stem cell research.
As for a scientific '"breakthrough" i wish to see occur in my lifetime, i wish that the efficiency of solar panels are exponentially increased and that fossil fuels become obsolete. As typical and cliche as it may sound, global warming and greenhouse gasses are impacting our world in such a great and powerful manner. If we were able to stop the burning of fossil fuels, maybe our atmosphere would be able to clean its self back up. Our ozone might just have the chance to repair itself. If we are successful and global warming is even reversed, trees will be able to grow straight, beetles will get killed by the frost before they can desolate forests, and polar bears might have a decent patch of ice they can rest on instead of drowning.

Unknown said...

I think developing a battery that is more efficient and less harmful to our environment will happen in our lifetime. In the past five or so years, residents of our planet have become very aware of our large carbon footprints. We have already been using rechargeable batteries to cut down on the amount of harmful battery waste in our landfills. This would be the next step in eradicating harmful waste.

In my lifetime, I would like to see solar panels render fossil fuels obsolete. The sun is a source that isn't going anywhere any time soon whereas fossil fuels are a limited source. As someone who fills her gas tank weekly, I would love to cut that expense out of my budget. Solar power would be virtually free and a heck of a lot cleaner.

Unknown said...

a) The one I think is most likely to occur in my lifetime is the one about amplifying the efficiency of solar panels by 800x. By improving the efficiency, there would no longer be an use for fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels, the world would be rid of pollution.Pollution makes the earth a very unhealthy place and causes many diseases. Without any pollution, people will be healthy and have a expanded life span. I think this breakthrough has a good chance of happening because we already have so many inventions which are earth friendly. People are more aware about the earth's many pollution and have found ways like this breakthrough to erase it from earth.

b)The breakthrough that i would like to see occur is the one where the researchers discovered a way to replicate any body part a person needs. I think that it would be really neat and cool if this could actually happen. Many people who lost a body part can usually find a fake replica to replace it, but you don't get the same feeling of having a real one. If this breakthrough was to actually happen then people like the soldiers or accident victims can receive a new real life replica of their lost body part. The only reason that this actually will not work now is because its way too complicated and difficult to replace a body part. All the veins and other things have to be in the right pace and they have to work properly for the person receiving it. Then the patient who is getting the body part has to make sure that their body adjusts to the reproduced part. Even though the breakthrough is very helpful and cool, trying to make it happen is going to be though.

haley a said...

A) The one I believe will occur in my lifetime is the development of solar panels that are 800x more efficient than today's solar panels. The way that technology has developed in my lifetime so far is so incredible that I have no doubts that it could advance to this point in the near future. Plus, fossil fuels are running out, and the quicker this technology is developed, the better life will be for everyone living on it, human and nonhuman.
B) The one I WANT to see happen in my lifetime the most is researchers discovering a way to take stem cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part a person needs. Despite the option to cure cancer, I feel this one is more useful because it can help cancer patients, burn victims, stab victims, ect. Being able to perfectly reproduce any body part from stem cells in something as common as hair is an incredible idea. It would eliminate the need for organ donors, and it would save so many lives every day.

Unknown said...

I think that the second picture of solar energy being amplified to 800x stronger is what we will most likely see over the next couple of years. Solar energy is already being utilized through solar panels and all that is left is the amplification of what is already known. Even though finding a way to make it stronger and more effective is hard it already has a pretty sturdy foundation. For the other ones up there a lot of research and time has been put in and people are very close but we have yet to really see something.

Choosing what I would like to see over the next couple years is very hard because in my head I would like to see cancer being cured and I would like to see stem cells from hair being able to perfectly produce an organ in the body. Out of the two I know we are closer to finding a cure for cancer, so I think that I am very eager to see the day when science has advanced to the point where we can take a strand of hair and reproduce any needed organ. I know that this would be extremely beneficial and save many lives, because it would enable people to have functioning organ that has once been disabled.

Unknown said...

a) the improvement of solar panels is the scientific achievement that I think I will mostly happen in my lifetime. The improvement of solar panels will mostly likely occur because of the demand for better energy Is growing. The recent events of global warming and depletion of resources has caused a higher need for better more deficient energy. That's why solar panels improvements are more likely to occur in my lifetime. I recently read an article describing new improvement and innovations to solar cell designs. The improvement include changing the materials used to make the solar panels and creating he designs that will increase the adsorption and conversions of solar energy. Solar panels are already begging improved and it won't be long before they created solar panels that can absorb light 800 times that of the ones we have today.

b) I am really hoping that in my lifetime I get to see scientist be able to extract materials from hair and create functional stem cells. The though of begging ablet to get stem cells any time they are needed would be revoluntionary acheincwmnt. I really hope that it will happen in my lifetime. The use of stem cells could be beneficial to almost every kind of medical treatment..People with diesels that have infected certain parts of the body can quickly remove the problem ara. Using stem cels as a replacment and others would never be a problem with a lack of organ donors or problems finding replacment that are computable with the recipient. The improvement on stem cell research could also help on other fields like cloning and being able to study the reactions of certain cells . That's why I really hope that in my lifetime spathe scientific community will advance its research on stem cells and get to the point where they can recreate entire tissue DNA Dorians from a single strand of hair.

Unknown said...

The one scientific breakthrough that I believe will occur in my lifetime is the one where they find a new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. I believe that this one will occur because of the amount of research that is being done on cures from cancer. Researches at this point will do anything to find cures for devastating cancers faced by patients. Cancer is a problem faced by many people in the world; because of this there are non-profit organizations helping cancer patients without any funds given to them. Researchers around the world are going to do this and make a breakthrough in cancer research. The event I want to see in my lifetime is when the university finds out a way to amplify the power of a solar panel by 800 rendering fossil fuels useless because this breakthrough will be a huge advancement in the modern solar panels. The solar panels would be able to save the economy and money for the middle class families struggling in their daily lives. The economy is not very steady at this moment but maybe after this advancement it can definitely be a contributor in the society and the economy in the future.

Unknown said...

A) The event that will most likely occur in my life is the "groundbreaking new way to fight cancer with bacteria that is harmless to the body". I think this will happen because many scientists and researchers have already made many advances in helping cure and fight cancer such as radiation. I'm most certain that this will be the event most likely to occur during my life, as opposed to the other possibilities, because I have heard more about advances in medicine (specifically cancer research) than any other topic listed.
B) The event that I would want to happen the most would be for researchers to be able to "take stem cells from a single hair and reproduce any part of the body". I would want this discovery happen more than any other one because I feel that it would revolutionize the way of life for humans. Life spans would increase, body parts (internally & externally) will be replaced, etc. It would make the human race far more capable and advanced than any other species. 

Unknown said...

Of the amazing breakthroughs and discoveries listed, not all are likely to happen in our lifetime even if we would want them to. Each discovery would be great and help improve our world a lot. The discovery that I think is most likely to happen in my lifetime is for scientists to find a way for bacteria to fight cancer yet remain perfectly harmless to humans. Cancer is a disease that many people and organizations are focusing on greatly to cure. There are many treatments that exist for curing cancer, but none yet has a complete chance to fully curing cancer. Cancer-fighting bacteria doesn't seem to be one of the main solutions that scientists are developing for fighting the disease. However, there is work being done presently on trying to fight pancreatic cancer using modified bacteria. Modified versions of the Listeria bacteria that causes food poisoning were applied against pancreatic cancer in mice in test labs. The bacteria would destroy the cancer cells by causing radiation explosions. However, these blasts of radiation would be too small and quick to harm the healthy tissue. Scientists were able to slow the cancer's metastasis, which is the spread of the cancer, by about 90 percent.

The discovery that I would most likely want to see occur in my lifetime is the second one on solar panels. Increasing solar panels' efficiency by 800 times would help solve the energy crisis. Once solar panels would become that strong, then fossil fuels would no longer need to be used, Not only that but fewer solar panels would need to be purchased to create the same amount of power. Green solutions for the energy crisis are developing, but they are still not advanced enough nor cheap enough to be used effectively. If solar panels were to become that much more efficient then many more people would be use solar panels. This would also reduce our emissions and help slow down global warming. By increasing the effectiveness of solar panels, we would be able to solve two global problems. While having the other discoveries occur in our lifetime would be fantastic, it is unlikely that they would all occur.

Rankita Sinha said...

A) Of the five breakthroughs shown, the one I think that is going to be likely to occur in our lifetime is the new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. There are about 2 billion people in the whole world, who are suffering from some kind of cancer, and there are over 13 million people who have cancer in the US alone. This disease is terminal/ in curable as of now, and it has effected billions of people all over the world. Thousands of doctors have been doing research for decades already to find a cure for this disease. This process is obviously very difficult, but with our rapid technology advances, it is definitely possible.
B) Of the five breakthroughs shown, the one I most want to see in my lifetime is the one in which researchers discover a way to take stem cells and reproduce any part of the body the patient needs. This would be the most beneficial breakthrough to our society. As humans, we are very accidental and in some cases they are so bad we lose body parts. In some cases, children are born without body parts. If we were to find a way to eliminate this, it would save a lot of heart ache and sadness.

Jas10 said...

a) The advancement that I believe that will happen is that researchers will find a way to take stem cells from hair and using them to reproduce body parts for transplants. I believe this because of a previous article I read about scientists being able to print a 3D heart that works exactly as a normal human heart. If we are able to create some of the most vital organs for the human body at this day in age, at this current rate in which technology is advancing, we will be able to reproduce any body part. The way in which we analyze microscopic organisms makes me believes that this scientific breakthrough can be achieved through stems cells.

b) The breakthrough that I most want to see in my lifestyle is to fight cancer by using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. I would like to live in world where cancer has been defeated. If a bacterium can help to fight cancerous cells, we can see the death toll drop from 13% percent a year to possible 7% a year. This finding can help save millions of lives that might be lost. This can also help the patient save a large amount of money that could have been spent toward chemotherapy and they will have more time to do whatever they chose to do. Though it is unfortunate that we are losing millions of people to cancer, uncovering a bacteria that be used to fight cancer was be remarkable.

Unknown said...

a. The event that is most likely to occur in my lifetime is stem cells being extracted from a single strand of hair and used to reproduce a body part that a person is lacking. Stem cells were first introduced in 1908 by histologists Alexander Maksimov and have been researched for over a century now. Stem cells have been the most intriguing research for many scientists who hoped of finally being able to use these unique cells that have the ability to reproduce into many other types of cells that may be lacking in a human body. In September of 2012; researchers were able to implement stem cells into the body of a paralyzed rat. Miraculously the cells were able to grow in the site of the injured spinal cord and the rats were able to walk again. We have come so far with the advancement of stem cells and extensive research is being done regarding them. Since the funding for both embryonic and non-embryonic human stem cells have been increased by an incredible amount since 2002 to 2012 and we are able to move quickly to reach our goal of one day using stem cells to reproduce a human body part. I believe that in my lifetime we should be able to see the goal of reproducing a body part from just using stem cells.
b. The event that I want to see occur in my lifetime is the new bacteria that was found to fight cancer and is harmless to the human body. As of January 2009, around 8 million people have cancer. It would benefit many people if this event occurred in the next few decades. Many patients have to suffer as they watch their bodies being destroyed by cancerous cells. Like many I too have a loved one, my aunt, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer is no joke and has been the cause of over half a million deaths just this past year. A new way to fight cancer using the newly found bacteria would greatly benefit millions of lives and would help in the fight against the heavy weight champion, cancer.

Unknown said...

a) Of the proposed ideas, I think that finding a way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body would be most likely to occur during my lifetime. Scientists have been conducting research for a cure for cancer for a long time, and there hasn't been a huge breakthrough yet, but we all hope that scientists will find a cure for this awful disease that claims the lives of too many people each year. There have been advances such as radiation that have found to fight off cancer, and I’m sure that continuing to find a cure will be successful.

b) I would like to see stem cells from a hair being used to reproduce any human body part necessary. This idea is really cool and it would help so many people. Those who have lost body parts, such as arms or legs can choose to use a prosthetic, or they can choose to live without it. Luckily, prosthetic limbs are becoming more efficient and are a lot easier to use. Seeing this breakthrough made me think of a good friend of mine, who lost his leg at a young age. He has the ability to do what anyone else with a leg could to because of his multiple prosthetic legs, but I’m sure that having a permanent leg would make his life a lot easier. This would be a really great medical advancement that has the ability to possibly do as much as save someone’s life.

Unknown said...

A) I think the use of solar panels being 800x more amplified is something that will occur because humans are already leaving a very large and devastating carbon footprint that could harm us in the future so using something that can stop this should be a top priority. The world is already feeling the effects of global warming and we need to protect the environment and other species and the best way to reduce our footprint is by rendering the use of fossil fuels. If we improve on a technology that we already have then I think we will see change and something good happen.

B) I think the use of harmless bacteria to fight cancer is something that I would like to see because of how high the risk of cancer is in todays society as well as the large death toll every year. Scientists have used used HIV to cure a child with leukemia so i think thats a step in the direction of using bacteria. There are other obvious treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation but the side effects they give are harsh and there is still a possibility of the cancer returning. I feel as if scientists can use this alternative treatment without such devastating effects then it will be extremely useful and hopefully more efficient in curing this deadly disease.

Unknown said...

A) Of the breakthroughs, I think creating solar panels that are 800X more powerful than current ones is most likely to happen. While cruising through neighborhoods you'll probably spot at least one house with solar panels perched on the roof or in the yard. Already this shows us how the average person is turning towards the more eco-friendly energy source. Coupled with growing companies in Israel, China, Germany, and the US the demand for solar energy will only grow in the near future and the technology will need to grow along with it.

B) The breakthrough I most want to see happen during our lifetime is the discovery of a cancer-fighting bacteria that is not harmful to the human body. Besides stem cell transplant, chemotherapy is the most widely used method of fighting cancer though it takes heavy tolls on the human body. Though I've never experienced it first hand, stories of cancer victims slowly succumbing to the side effects of chemo are unfair and heartbreaking. A new, benign bacteria could save many families and victims from unnecessary pain even if it doesn't end up being the panacea for all of cancer's devastation.

Unknown said...

The Battery one that is cheaper, less harmful, and lasts longer could happen. I think that it could happen by simply increasing the size of the battery itself. Either that or batteries themselves can be made up of a new substance themselves.

I think the one where we could use ion rocket propulsion could likely happen. I think this because we are all advancing in technology and one day we might be able to find a new fuel alternative. We have the capabilities to build a massive rocket. However, making it would require a very large fuel source because the nearest earth like planet is 10 - 20 light years away. We'd need to have a place on a rocket where it can continuous make fuel for it, like a factory for fuel for the rocket.

I wouldn't be surprised if we found a new bacteria that could cure cancer. Mainly because most of the species in our world are unidentified. Bacteria are microscopic. There may be undiscovered bacteria in remote places of the world that could have medicinal properties. Whether they can cure cancer I don't know, but they may so.

The one with the Solar Panels seems good too, because we already use Solar Panels. If we were to find a way to improve them, then we may be able to use it on smaller levels such as inserting them into a car, or make the entire roof of a car solar powered to the point that it renders gas useless.

I can't say which one is most likely. They all seem to be much of a stretch. The one that edges probably is the bacteria one because most of our species remain undiscovered.

The one that I would like to see most likely happen in my lifetime would have to obviously be cancer. If we were to cure cancer, there would be less dangers within the world, and cancer is a global problem. Solving this global problem will result an increasing population because more people will live. Anyone would want to cure cancer. Violence, Poverty, Hunger are the other problems we have. It's seems possible that there could be a bacteria out there somewhere in a little patch in remote area.

Maddie M. said...

A)The event I think is most likely to occur in my lifetime is the discovery of a way to fight cancer that is harmless to the human body. Doctors and scientists have already developed ways of fighting cancer that have been successful, however they do harm the human body. People going through chemotherapy and radiation suffer from fatigue and pain due to the fact that chemotherapy attacks healthy cells along with the cancer cells. I think it is possible that doctors could figure out a way to eliminate the side effects and risks that accompany these current treatment plans.

B) The event that I most want to see happen is body parts being created from hair. It would change the world if someone no longer had to wait for a vital organ when they are injured or sick. People who need new organs would be able to get them much more easily than they do now. Unfortunately, I don't think that this is something we are going to be seeing because hair is made up of mostly dead cells and it's hard enough to extract DNA from a single strand of hair. It's more likely that body parts could be grown from embryonic stem cells since they can differentiate into all cell types.

Unknown said...

I think the event that is most likely to occur in my lifetime is the university that developed a system that amplifies the efficiency of solar panels by 800x. Since solar panels aren't uncommon nowadays, perhaps scientists could find a way to upgrade our current technology to something that will benefit our environment. People are already using solar panels on their houses and such. It's probably likely that solar panels would be used in other places as well in order to become more eco friendly.

The event I want to see happen is finding the cure for cancer. A good part of this earth is still a mystery to human kind. It is possible that there is a bacteria harmless to the human body that can help cancer patients or to even prevent cancer. Instead of going through chemotherapy, which could be painful and tiring for a patient, the new bacteria could save people the trouble of all that.

bborba said...

After reading the comic strips for this week's assignment, I think the breakthrough that would most likely occur in my lifetime would be the new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. It's no surprise that scientists are constantly working on how we can defeat the never ending battle with cancer, and some have gotten very close. I read an article on minyanville.com talking about some companies on the verge of finding cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy which is "suppressing an immune response" or electroporation which according to the article, "uses an electrical pulse to create temporary pores in cancer cells", which allows for a more effective treatment. After reading this article and linking it back with the comic strip, I do believe it's possible to find a cure for cancer, and maybe it can be a harmless bacteria, who knows.


The scientific breakthrough that I would most want to see occur in my lifetime would have to be the reproduction of a body part, using stem cells from a single hair. This breakthrough would be extremely beneficial and could open new doors to more discoveries. Although the reproduction of body parts, could solve many problems, I do believe it can bring a few obstacles along with it. For example, there may be the possibility that the reproduced body part may not be as strong as the previous one? Would this new part have to start over to learn how to function? It's nothing too complex, yet it's interesting to think about what could happen and what sort of problems this scientific breakthrough could cause, if it actually occurred.

Unknown said...

In my lifetime, the bacteria to fight cancer seems to be the most likely to found. With all the research and effort being put into fighting cancer, it's only a short amount of time before this disease, like measles, is eradicated and vaccines or other treatments are found to prevent any type of cancers from forming in the first place. In fact, Gardacil™, a vaccine that has been made to prevent certain types of cervical cancers, is already on the market and in wide use. This is just a small step in the field of eradicating cancer, but a step nonetheless. The traditional treatments for cancer; radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, are somewhat harmful to the patients and do not always work. However, science and medicine will soon come up with different ways to treat cancer, one being the harmless bacteria.
The idea I most want to see is the stem cell from hair that is able to replicate any limb needed. Stem cell research is a fast growing field with many promising possibilities but there is a lot of more work to be done before findings that advanced can be proven. It will take some time, but such drastic discoveries will be made.

Naomi D. said...

A) I believe that the event most likely to occur during my lifetime is the establishment of solar panels that work so well that fossil fuels are unnecessary. Everywhere we look, we see some sign of a "green" world. We are slowly advancing towards a more efficient world. We have all been taught of the dangers of harming our world; we are constantly reminded that we don't have an endless supply of fossil fuels. The fact that this has a major effect on our daily and complete lives- foreign exchanges, increased prices, and decreasing supplies- creates a universal phenomenon. There have already been so many advancements and leaps in green energy, and we continue to get closer towards our goals. More powerful solar panels would result in more efficiency, less pollution, and a cleaner, greener world. Because these effects would be so momentous, there is a lot of attention on solving these problems, and with this much effort comes solutions.

B) The event that I would most want to see occur is the discovery of a way to create stem cells from a single hair and use them to reproduce body parts. This advancement would cause many different results. By being able to replace body parts, we can fix many disabilities and cure many types of people. For example, many soldiers could have lost body parts in wars. My grandfather has weak limbs. This can cause lots of pain and suffering, and even lead to death after a bad fall. If this discovery were to occur, we could ease many people of their pain. Prosthetics would no longer be needed, and surgery would be brought to a whole new level! In addition to this, we would be able to replace diseased cells more efficiently. Stem cells could be used for reparative and regenerative medicine. We would be a step closer towards helping those with heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and more. Damaged cells and tissues could be replaced with no trace of a previous disease. The methods of replacing body parts could also clue us in as to how certain diseases start and how to attack them at the beginning. If we were able to reproduce body parts, cells, and tissues, we would not only be able to use them for replacement, we would also be able to use them for tests. For example, if we could reproduce a certain type of tissue, we would be able to test how a certain drug would affect it without harming anyone. I would most like to see this occur because this breakthrough would be revolutionary.

Unknown said...

After looking through all these breakthroughs,the breakthrough that I think is most likely to occur in my lifetime is with the body parts made from stem cells. Mostly because they've already started to make it. For example, the artificial heart in one of the previous posts. Especially with the advanced technology these days, its possible.

The breakthrough that I wish to see in my lifetime is the cure to cancer. Personally I've lost many close people to cancer, and if this comes true it will instill a lot of hope in people and save millions of lives. Reading that there could be a bacteria that id harmless and could cure a chronic disease is going to take years of research.

Unknown said...

Of the five proposed scientific “breakthroughs”, I think the discovery of a way to fight cancer with bacteria that is harmless to the human body is most likely to occur during my lifetime. There are many organizations and charities working to raise money to help support the fight against cancer so I feel that the cause is well funded. Also, because cancer affects so many people throughout the world it is brought to the attention of the common person. As a result, many medical teams are working to find a cure. For example, more people know about the research in progress for finding a cure for cancer than the development of longer lasting batteries or trying to travel farther out into space.

This is also the breakthrough that I most want to see occur during my lifetime because I know some people who are very close to me who are affected by cancer. I know how I would feel if a cure was found; Families with loved ones dealing with cancer would have a weight lifted off their shoulders. It would be amazing if patients didn’t have to further harm their bodies with radiation and drugs, but could instead use harmless bacteria to cure the cancer. Even though this assignment was thinking theoretically, I would love to see a harmless cure for cancer found during my lifetime.

Aayushi Pandya said...

Of all the possible scenarios, I believe that the one that is most likely to occur during my lifetime is the one that says, “A university has developed a system which amplifies the efficiency of solar panels by 800X, rendering the use of fossil fuels obsolete.” This is possible in the near future because many universities and researchers are searching for a way to do this. Fossil fuels are harmful to the environment and it is a limited resource. Using the sun as a primary source of fuel will make energy an abundant resource that will power our every day lives and also help the environment.
Also, the scenario that I would most want to see in my lifetime is the one that says, “Incredible technological advancements in ion rocket propulsion has made travel to the nearest earth like planet possible in under 23 years.” Space travel has always been intriguing ever since I was a young child and being alive to see this would be very exciting. I believe many scientists have found earth-like planets and although it might not have life that reflects our own idea of life, there could be strains of small bacteria and small living organisms and that would definitely be a groundbreaking event in space history. I mean, if you think about what life actually is, we define it by certain characteristics like homeostasis or cells, but life in space can be anything. In fact, some scientists believe that life was created on earth when a meteor stroked earth. If meteors could in fact have brought bacteria that could sustain high levels of heat to earth, isn’t it possible that there could be other places in the universe where life exists? But for this to even happen, it would require a lot of time and whole lot of money. There would have to be a better reason for anyone to invest that kind of money besides space exploration and discovery and for that reason, I believe advancements in ion rocket propulsion will happen in the future, but maybe not in my lifetime.

SakethL. said...

Within my lifetime, I believe engineers and scientists will find a way to maximize the power of solar panels by 800X. Today, many people worry about the future of our planet because of our excessive use of fossil fuels. Unlike other, more expensive, forms of energy, fossil fuels are non-renewable thus, once depleted, it is impossible to find more. Worried by this, many people are attempting to “Go Green” in order to save the environment and future generations. It is very possible for scientists to find an alternate source of power that has similar power to fossil fuels. Solar panels have been developed to minimize the use of fossil fuels, but energy from sunlight is not as strong as fossil fuels. Therefore, many avoid the use of solar panels. However, if solar panels are strengthened, it will be more popular resulting in less reliance on fossil fuels. Scientists are trying to divert humans’ energy use and maximizing power of solar panels can achieve this goal. So, this can possibly occur in my lifetime.
A discovery that I believe will occur in the future is the creation of bacteria that can fight cancer cells without harming the human body. Definitely, more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer every single day. Hence, it is becoming more and more vital to find a cure that doesn’t have more negative effects to the body than positive effects. However, there are so many branches of cancer; it is difficult to find a cure for EVERY single type of cancer that is harmless. But it is necessary and there are many charities that provide money to organizations that research and develop methods of killing cancer cells. Like I stated before, cancers complexity makes it difficult to cure but a cure’s necessity makes it a priority. Therefore, there will be a solution to cancer that is harmless in the future.

Unknown said...

1A- Out of the five scientific breakthroughs described the one that I believe is most likely to occur in my lifetime is "a groundbreaking new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body." Cancer is a global problem that affects so many people in today's day and age. From breast cancer to leukemia there seems to be cancer possible everywhere in the human body. There is an abundance amount of research being done on cancer as people are eager to find a cure. With the painstaking effort being put in, researchers are confident that a breakthrough will occur.

1B- The breakthrough that I want to most see in my lifetime is the one about using a system to amplify the efficiency of solar panels and therefore not needing fossil fuels. Global warming affects our world greatly today and I feel as if not enough attention is being paid to helping our environment. With this breakthrough we will be able to save a lot of the damage done to our planet.

Unknown said...

Of all the possible scientific breakthroughs listed, I believe that a new way to fight cancer would most likely happen in my lifetime. Millions of dollars have been donated to finding a cure for cancer and it is definitely a top priority. Unfortunately, many people around the globe are affected by this horrible illness. Because of this, scientists have been trying there best to put an end to this terrible disease. At the rate we are reasearching cancer and devoting much time into finding a cure, it is very likely that one will be found not too far into my future.

The scientific breakthrough that I would most like to see in my lifetime would be using stem cell from a single hair to produce entire limbs for people. Stem cell technology is extremely useful to us, and it would be great if we advanced enough to be able to do this. For example, if a tragic car accident resulted in a man losing both legs, this adversity could very easily be overcome. Stem cell taken from the victim could easily be used to produce entirely new legs that are actual flesh and bone. These legs could allow for the victim to walk again. Stem cell are simply amazing, and it would be great if I get to see this in my lifetime.

Unknown said...

During my lifetime, I believe that a prototype for a battery that has 100x the life span of a normal battery and is not harmful to the environment will occur. Our world is taking steps to becoming eco-friendly and creating a battery that isn't harmful to the environment is a good thing and will probably make people happy. I think they will be able to create a battery with 100x the life span of a normal one because technology has been advancing a lot within the last few years.

In my lifetime, I would most like to see a groundbreaking way to fight cancer using bacteria that is not harmful to the human body. A lot of money is being spent on cancer research these days because many people have to fight against cancer. Those people are fighting for their lives and others are trying to find a cure for them. With so many people dying from cancer, I would like to finally see a cure or something that will really help them.

payal.patel said...

The scientific breakthrough that I believe is most likely to occur during my lifetime is a university developing a system which amplifies that efficiency of solar panels by 800x. I chose this because many scientists and researchers are looking to improve the environment and make it greener. Also, with the help of these powerful solar panels the use of fossil fuels for energy most likely won’t be needed. By not making a use out of fossil fuels, less harm will be done to the environment.

Although all these scientific breakthroughs sound good, the one that I would want to see the most in my lifetime is finding a way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. I would like to see this the most out of the five because I believe this would benefit many people who have cancer now, and I know some people who have suffered due to cancer and passed away. Also, many doctors and scientists have been working to find a cure for this, so it would please many people if they have succeeded.

Unknown said...

Realistically, I believe that the amplification of the efficiency of solar panels is most likely to happen in my lifetime. Every day, scientists are perfecting new ways to save energy. For example; though at a higher price, hybrid cars are available to the general public. In countries like Brasil and Sweden, ethanol is being used instead of the pollutant gasoline (although some scientists believe that ethanol can release toxic fumes as well because of its rich octane content). Also, solar panels are already being utilized on people's houses!
However, the technological advancement I would most like to see is the cancer-fighting bacteria. Breast cancer took a bite out of one of my relatives that was very close to the rest of my family. Unborn and not yet thought of, I had never met her. But my parents always told me that my grandma was the most genuine and family-oriented person they had ever known. Today there are treatments for different types of cancers if caught in time. Nevertheless, these treatments cause significant changes to the human body. To witness a cure that could do so much but leave behind such a little trace would truly be a miracle.

Taylor S said...

The breakthrough I think that is most likely to occur in my life time is using bacteria to cure cancer. Researchers have been trying to cure cancer for decades and they have came close a few times. But now a days we have more technology and greater knowledge on these types of cancer. Since our technology and knowledge is constantly improving using a bacteria to cure cancer doesn't seem that far away. Being able to use a harmless bacteria on humans to cure cancer will allow thousands go back to living a healthy normal life.

The breakthrough that I want to see occur in my life time is the ability to take cells from a single hair and perfectly reproduce any body part that person needs. So many people loose limbs during accidents. Having a way to give these people a second chance to live a normal life would be an amazing thing. Researchers have found ways to help people who lost body parts, like prostatic limbs or using other animals to grow the new body parts. But nothing really is really the same, having the ability to grow these perfect produced body parts will give them the power to live a normal life.

Nicole G. said...

Of the proposed scientific breakthroughs, I think the groundbreaking new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body will most likely occur in my lifetime. The effort that has been put into the research of cancer alone is bound to produce some results. If you take into account the amount of scientists who are working and the whole lot of money being put into the research effort, it is very possible that they will have a breakthrough in my lifetime.

The breakthrough I would want to see occur in my lifetime is the breakthrough in cancer because that would change the lives of the many people who suffer because of it. It's heartbreaking to see such young children who have cancer and have to fight desperately to survive. However, if there was a harmless bacteria that would help fight cancer then so many people, young and old, could be helped and saved.

Unknown said...

Of the proposed scientific breakthroughs, I believe the one most likely to occur in my lifetime is the discovery of a way to take stem cells from a single hair and reproduce any body part a person needs. Scientists have already been able to grow numerous organs and body parts from stem cells such as heart tissue, an ear, and a trachea (windpipe). Although they are not able to make a whole human heart yet, scientists hope they will be able to replace heart tissue in heart attack patients in the future. The scientists involved in making the ear hope to use the tissue to repair deformed ears and even replace missing ears in the future. Such advances have already helped people, and I believe we will be able to find a way to use stem cells to create any body part or organ successfully in the future.


However, the scientific breakthrough I most want to see occur in my lifetime would be discovering a new way to fight cancer using bacteria that is harmless to the human body. Last year, a team of scientists and doctors cured cancer in a seven year old girl who was suffering from leukemia. They were able to change the genetic makeup of HIV and trained it to kill the cancer cells and work with her immune system instead. So many children and adults suffer from all different forms of cancer, and many are not strong enough to survive it. If scientists could find a way to fight cancer using bacteria that did not hurt the human body, so many people would be given the chance to continue living their lives.


Unknown said...

I believe that the "breakthrough" involving taking stem cells from a single hair and reproducing any body part a person needs is most likely to occur in my lifetime. Although the body parts may not be reproduced "perfectly," stem cell research, within the biomedical engineering field, is advancing; proof of this can be found in the first summer assignment- the article about MIT printing heart tissue. Obviously I would love for any of these scenarios to occur during my lifetime. However, I believe that it is of utmost importance and urgency to discover a cure for cancer. This "breakthrough" would help the lives of millions, including some loved ones of mine fighting leukemia and liver cancer.

Unknown said...

a) I would think that the most likely candidate to be seen in our lifetime would be the fighting cancer with bacteria blurb. I know that a 15 year old boy recently made a huge discovery in the field, so more discoveries can't be too far away, right?!
b) I would most like to see the breakthrough about obtaining stem cells from hair. There is a lot of controversy on the subject of stem cell collection, but this breakthrough would stifle the hub-bub and actually help patients in need.

miami girl in mohabbat said...

One breakthrough I think I want see in my lifetime is the bacteria that cures cancer. I would love to see this because I know a couple people with cancer, and I can not stand to see what these innocent people go through, everyday. Additionally, everyday I hear on the news about one child who dies because they are not strong enough to fight of the cancer. It hurts so much, to see all the pain that the family, has to go through as well. That is why I would love to see the curing bacteria come along fast, and I am sure it will. Around the world, there are so many cancer institutions, hospitals, and research funds, helping the cause. People are spending so much money, donating to research, and I am sure a the curing bacteria is on its way. Additionally, some hospitals and research institutions are calling doctors from all over the world, to help. Hopefully, this bacteria will be discovered soon.

Now, one scientific breakthrough I know will occur in my lifetime, is the travel to the nearest earth like planet under 23 years. I am sure this will occur in my lifetime because astronauts have had a lot of success in space travel. For example, we have had a man on the moon, and a rover on Mars. We even have found water on Mars, and there is even evidence of a Sphinx on Mars! With all these discoveries that have to do with space/space travel, I think it will certainly be possible that travel to the nearest earth like planet under 23 years will be possible. Additionally, I have even read an article about people getting the chance to travel to Mars, and live there for the rest of their lives. Having the ability to build and construct houses and roads to live like how they lived on Earth! Now, if scientists have already worked on giving people the chance to travel to Mars, I am pretty sure they already worked out the travel time logistics, to ensure the time getting there is the shortest amount possible! (i.e: under 23 years).