Monday, July 15, 2019

Summer Assignment 7.15.19

First official post of the 2019 Summer Assignment. Rules are simple:
  1. Look at the list of links I provide.
  2. Pick a few (or all) to read.
  3. Make an intelligent comment here that shows you read and thought about at least one.
  4. Gain points. Comments that are made within the week receive maximum points. 
Comments are moderated, so they will not show up immediately. If it has been a few days and you don't see yours, let me know and I will look for it. I highly recommend you keep a record of your comments, in case any get lost.

Please remember to complete the form to let us know about any extended vacation plans.

The links:


Anonymous said...

A pivotal point in the evolution of the modern human was the development of large and complex brains. These brains provide humans with increased intelligence and capacity to function. Brain growth within humans, and our ancestors, requires a diet rich in iodine. Iodine supports brain growth, and ensures that the thyroid gland functions correctly. Scientists have known that early humans needed to have access to iodine within their diets in order to fuel brain growth. For early human populations living near the sea, iodine was easily obtained from a diet rich in sea animals and plants. However, most evolutionary scientists support the hypothesis that early human populations first emerged in Africa. For this to be true, there would have to a source of iodine available to early human populations within the depths of the African continent. Recent studies involving bonobos, which are discussed in the article, “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants—Ancient Humans Might Have As Well”, have revealed that the natural ecosystem of the Congo basin offers a diet rich in iodine. Bonobos are a species with iodine needs similar to those of humans. These animals feed on the ends of aquatic plants, which have been found to be rich in iodine. The consumption of these aquatic plants fulfills the iodine requirements for the bonobos. Like these bonobos, early human populations in Africa likely fed on these aquatic plants, consuming a sufficient amount of iodine. This iodine intake supported one of the most important milestones in human evolution: the development of a large, and complex brain. The article “5 Things We (Still) Don’t Know About Cells” discusses how much more ground scientists have to cover in terms of cellular growth and function. Cells are the building blocks of life, and compose all living organisms. Despite their overwhelming importance and abundance, scientists are still questioning some major aspects of cells. Scientists are still unsure as to how stem cells differentiate into specialized cell types, the different stages in which the cell cycle exists, and how these stages are recognized, the process by which genetic information can be used to build an entire complex cell, and how cell differentiation can be manipulated. Most importantly, scientists are still determining how to establish a precedent for ‘understanding cells’, in terms of what that understanding will require. However, research using new technologies and analysis offers information that may answer the major gaps in current understanding of cell biology. For example, the Allen Integrated Cell models the different stages of a human stem cell, with its different components being built and working with one another to provide for overall function. We still have a long way to go in understanding cell biology, but new technology and ideas are allowing research to offer so much more.

Anonymous said...

I was interested by the article about iodine. Before reading the article, I did not know that iodine has a direct relationship with IQ. I also didn’t know that iodine comes from aquatic sources and an iodine deficiency during pregnancy could be a symptom for miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm delivery and children with intellectual disabilities.

Anonymous said...

The Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else article, really gave me something to think about. As high school students and soon to be college students, we have to constantly think about our futures and answer the question of “how am I going to be successful?” In my high school experience I’ve learned that programs like STEM, do give students an upper leg up in their future and offer more opportunities that set direct initiatives for students to reach their goals of becoming whatever they may choose to be (engineers, doctors, etc..) However, though there are many benefits, reading the article has directed my focus in a different direction. Although STEM offers many future career benefits, I feel that the program narrows the students ability to do more in the future, and like the author reasoned nothing is ever guaranteed in today’s world. I feel that programs like STEM limit the students ability to do more in the future, and limits the creative mindset that they have because they are choosing to follow a set path. The author gave an example of working at a hedge fund with a technical background in physics, though she then goes on to talk about more direct paths to entering a hedge fund field with more interesting manors. I feel that the STEM program has objectified majors as a “do or die” for students who are enrolled in the program and that is what I found to be interesting in this article.

Harshini Ganesh said...

To begin with, the first article I read was “5 things we (still) don't know about cells” published by the Allen Institute. This read primarily focused on some questions scientists and researchers have about cells, many of their functions and overall processes. They talk about how far we have come in terms of our knowledge about cells yet also list numerous queries and unknowns known about this biological unit of life. For example, the first question the article poses is how different cells are made for specific purposes and the process involved for that. They specifically reference a muscle cell and how it can’t be a neuron. Rick Horowitz, a biologist at the Allen Institute, explains how it’s not “...fundamentally known” how these two cells become something completely different. Next, the article questions the stages of a cell’s life. The research discovered so far, about the cell states, still raise numerous doubts such as how to recognize and categorize them when they are seen, according to scientists. Then the article even goes further into analyzing how cells even form to begin with. The main question from this section is, “How do you get something so alive and complicated from a string of four-lettered DNA?” Rafelski, another scientist, delves further by saying, “‘Two really important unknowns in cell biology are how to integrate cells and what their general organizing principles are.’” They also question next about how to modify cells and use them in regenerative medicine. The final query in this article simply is about the interpretation of what a cell is. They go on to list how people have different viewpoints as to what a cell is and depends on they type of doubts they have. Overall, I found this article to be very intriguing as it made me think more about why cells are the way they are. I found myself to have asked some of these questions when I first learned about cells. I believe that finding and learning more about this biological unit of life is essential to the future and development of biology.

I also read the third article given, “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants—Ancient Humans Might Have As Well.” This article was really interesting because its main focus was on the iodine source for our ancestors and our evolutionary relatives. It is said that even for us it was a while before it was discovered that iodine is important and helps our brains. However, how did our ancestors know? This led to a study in Germany’s Max Planck Institute on bonobos, a species that need the amount of iodine in their diets as humans. It was soon discovered that their source of iodine came from rushes and water lilies, due to the lack of this nutrient in the habitat and place these mammals live (Congo Basin). Our main source of iodine today comes from iodized salt which was only recently discovered and manufactured in 1924. Researchers believe that the evolution of large brains and advanced cognition is due to the source of iodine. However it is still questioned how early hominids in Africa found iodine to incorporate into their own diets. I liked this article since it is very intriguing to me about trying to solve mysteries of the past using studies in the present.

Anonymous said...

The article that I chose to read was, “5 Things We (Still) Don’t Know About Cells.” I found this article intriguing as it was able to provide multiple instances where biologists are still unable to understand cells, a topic that has been taught since middle school, which could be figured out if more people were to work in biology. The idea that biologists are struggling to explain how stem cells become specialized cells, and when those specialized cells cannot change, comes into play today as the understanding of this would allow researchers of regenerative medicine to develop new organs for transplants, such as kidneys. Additionally, the fact that biologists do not understand how cells are made interests me because by answering this question, we understand how life came to exist as a whole. Processing this idea could potentially allow us to improve the medical field as scientists may be able to replicate this process, creating new cells for a patient in the process. These unanswered questions seem to be fueled by biologists’ different ideas of what it means to understand a cell. While some believe that understanding a cellular process’s relationship to disease is the answer, others are willing to spend their entire life understanding a single biomolecule and its importance to life, thus understanding a cell. To truly understand a cell, I believe that all of these questions must be answered while also meeting all of the beliefs of biologists. This may seem difficult, but I believe that this is possible through the use of modern technology.

Lexi Neckritz said...

I found the "5 things we (still) don't know about cells" article very interesting. I've never really thought about the history of biology before, and it was an eye-opener to realize that even with how far we've come in our knowledge in cell biology, or even just science in general, there is still so much to discover and learn about how the world works.
I thought the "What does it mean to understand cells, anyway?" portion of the article especially interesting because it shows that science is not always about facts and that people can have different opinions on scientific topics.

Anonymous said...

The article, “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well” explains many interesting things about the importance of iodine, as well as how our ancestors in the Congo accessed the seemingly sparse element. To start, researchers observed that Bonobos of the Congo basin consume white water lilies, more specifically the pith at the base of the leaves, and the parts that are underwater. It was found that white water lilies were rich in iodine, a discovery that left scientists wondering, just how and what were our ancestors able to obtain iodine from in the Congo basin? Scientists went on to test iodine levels in other swamp plants consumed by primates. They concluded that just like the Bonobos, early humans have been consuming herbs and other aquatic plants of swamps to gain the iodine they needed to survive. The article also gives background information on the importance of iodine to the human body. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid to function and plays a crucial role in brain development. Lack of iodine in the body can cause negative symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and can lead to goiter, the enlargement of the thyroid gland that results in difficulty breathing. Lack of iodine during pregnancy can lead to unintentional death of the baby, miscarriages and stillbirths, or children that are not in prime physical or mental condition, premature births and intellectual disabilities. Presently, there are a number of foods that people can consume to get a sufficient amount of iodine in their bodies, such as soy, dairy, and seafood. To avoid possible iodine deficiencies, the U.S. and Canada added iodine to salt which may have led to an increase in IQ. Iodine has also been linked to the evolution of larger human brains and advanced cognition. The article “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well” fully addresses the question at hand, and even provides background information, educating readers of the importance of iodine and why it is necessary for people to consume an adequate amount. It was an interesting read, and I learned an element that present day humans consume so easily and frequently, was once sparse and only obtained through consumption of aquatic plants.

Shruthi Gunturu said...

The article 5 Things We Still Do Not Know About Cells is an important reminder of what humans still need to discover about cells. After reading the article, I thought that it was interesting that scientists still do not know the process in which a cell is made. It made me think about the possibilities that could open up if this process was uncovered. If scientists understand how cells are created, can this help make any new discoveries in medical science? I also thought that it was interesting that we do not know when and how cell differentiation occurs. Scientists know that in the beginning all cells are the same and are stem cells, over time they evolve with different jobs and become different structures. Discovering how and when the cells change can also open up a new topic in the studies of life science.

Pranet Pudale said...

I read the article 5 things we (still) don't know about cells, it was interesting to learn that we have only scratched the surface when it comes to cells. We still have so much more to learn and find out about cells. One part that I found particularly intriguing, was that not all scientists would agree that we have fully understood a cell. Not all scientists are trying to figure out a particular function or characteristic of a cell and one might think that once they have achieved a certain goal that they have understood a cell. Also if the scientific community can understand how cells are formed and how they change through their states then this could give them insight on how to change the cells to cure diseases and correct defects.

Kendra Stephens said...

The second article, "Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else", was very enjoyable because I completely agreed with what the author was saying. His main argument was that students pursuing STEM careers aren't interested in it because they know it will pay well. In today's world, I think that many students are focused on getting a job that will have a bigger paycheck instead of finding a job that will make them happy. Personally, I want to pursue a STEM field career because I want to change the world through science. The article showed that people in the STEM field aren't that different from everyone else, and that everyone should pursue a career in a field that interests them. No one is born knowing exactly what specific job they want to have, STEM students included.

Anonymous said...

After reading these three intriguing articles, one that caught my attention was
“Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well” by Roni Dengler. Before reading this article, I was unaware that iodine played such a crucial role in brain development. I was also fascinated by the fact that iodine needs to be greatly consumed during pregnancy in order for the fetus’s brain to develop properly. Iodine can generally be found in dairy and in seafood, such as shrimp and tuna. If iodine is not regularly ingested, problems such as hypothyroidism or goiters could arise. Hypothyroidism is a condition that is caused by the overproduction of the thyroid hormone. This can lead to the emergence of a goiter, which is also known as an enlarged thyroid. It is also important to ingest iodine during pregnancy in order to prevent miscarriages or potential intellectual disabilities in the child. Iodine deficiencies can have a large impact on the brain and intellectual development, which is why it is important to understand how the ancestors of humans were able to efficiently acquire and consume this nutrient. Gottfried Hohmann and other researchers were able to thoroughly observe bonobos, a species of apes that require similar amounts of iodine as humans. Bonobos obtain their iodine from rushes and white water lilies in swamps. This action of theirs may have answered the question of how our ancestors obtained iodine if they did not live near a coast with easy access to seafood. Their source of iodine came from rushes and the roots of the white water lilies, which shows that our ancestors got their iodine source from similar plants in the swamps of the Congo. I found it interesting that the amount of iodine in the rushes and water lilies contained almost the same amount of iodine in seaweed.

Anonymous said...

I found the article “5 things we still don’t know about cells” very interesting. The most intriguing part, however, was the section labeled “Why do cells change the way they do — and can we get them to change in different ways?”. It discussed cells known as stem cells that change in the embryo into the variety of cells that each person has. I found this extraordinary because the idea that one cell has the potential to be any cell type shows how amazing and important cells are. Additionally, it discusses the practical applications of further research into the subject. By understanding how stem cells ‘decide’ which cell they become, we can revolutionize medicine and organ disease.

The article “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else” explains the reasons behind pursuing a career in STEM fields. Chad Orzel says that like all other subjects, one must pursue what they find interesting rather than because of the money. Additionally he says that coming in with an open mind about the specifics of your major helps to understand what you will find truly interesting. I firmly believe that this is true because when something is fun and interesting to someone, they automatically do better, learn more and are more attentive and excited to make great strides forward.

Anonymous said...

I liked the way the article “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants— Ancient Humans Might Have As Well” brought together science and history to prove a point. I think this article did a great job in clearly explaining the effects of iodine and how it has affected humans throughout history by using historical evidence. I find it fascinating that a different species could lead scientists to answers about the survival of the prehistoric human population. Not only did I learn more about what iodine could possibly be found in and its effect on humans and other species, but I was also able to learn more about the element itself. This article pointed out the role of iodine in the human body and the different ways in which it is used in the body such as to produce thyroid hormones. Before reading this article, I was not aware that iodine is vital for fetal brain development and I did not know that the body could undergo symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings if it does not get enough of this crucial nutrient. I found this article to be very informative and by reading it, I was able to learn more about this important element.

Anonymous said...

I find it fascinating that around 400 years ago people were oblivious to the fact that cells exist. Not only did people not understand what makes something living, they believed living things arose from non-living things, such as flies sprouting from deceased flesh. It wasn't until the 17th century when the cell theory was proposed that people became informed. Today we have the privilege to study cells and know what they are, how they work, and why they are important. The study of living things has come a long way since the Scientific Revolution.
However, despite countless hours of work being dedicated to the topic, there are still grey areas scientists are unsure of. For example, scientists do not fully comprehend all the different states of a cell and how to recognize them. When this information is inevitably unraveled, it could be helpful in preventing cancer by recognizing a cell in a diseased state and stopping it from spreading the mutation. Likewise, scientists do not one hundred percent know how and why cells differentiate. At the moment, we know that in an early stage stem cells are instructed to transcribe and translate certain genes that specialize the cell for a specific function, such as a nerve cell or a cell lining the acids in the stomach. Yet, once a cell has differentiated too far it cannot revert to a stem cell or convert for a different function. Eventually, biotechnology can be applied to these situations and solve real-world dilemmas by manipulating the cell cycle to generate organs, but for now, until scientists have fully grasped these complex phenomena, the search continues.

Emily Simoskevitz said...

There are many questions left unanswered about cells in the science community. The article titled “5 things we (still) don't know about cells” highlights the insufficient comprehension of how stem cells differentiate and specialize. Cells are the basic building blocks of life, yet their complexity is difficult to measure. Scientists currently do not have a full understanding of the stages of cells or how a DNA code can lead to the intricacy of the functional human body. In the future, scientists hope to discover how to integrate cells as well as strengthen their understanding about cell differentiation. An important issue surfaces in the article, “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else.” The article describes that in modern times, many students study STEM fields so that they can earn a degree that will ultimately lead them to financial stability. It is disheartening that students choose a career path based on the promise of future income. If more people pursued a career that they were genuinely interested in rather than working towards a desired salary, there would be a greater motivation to strive towards developments in fields such as scientific research. The answers to the most complex scientific questions can be found with the hard work and dedication of scientists who have a passion for discovering the incomprehensible.

Aaron Agcaoili said...

Although we have known about the existence of cells for over 350 years, there are multiple questions that scientists are asking that we do not have the answer. Even with large progress, we still have an extraordinary amount more to fully understand cells. In the article, "5 things we (still) don’t know about cells", I learned that we still have 5 big questions about cells that we cannot answer. The first question that we cannot answer is why a muscle cell is not a neuron. We still do not know the complete answer to how two cells become different. The second question that we cannot answer is what the different stages of a cell’s life are. Scientists still don’t understand all of the cell stages completely in detail. Scientists from the Allen Institute Cell Science Team catalog differences within a single stage to understand the differences in one type of cell. Their work to understand cell states is helping to increase our understanding of cells and can help us understand diseases. The third question that we cannot answer is how a cell is created. Scientists still do not understand how a cell is formed. With the different molecular pieces inside of a cell all following genetic instructions and working with one another to provide life, it is amazing what a string of DNA can do. The fourth question is why cells change the way they do and if we can manipulate how cells change in different ways. Scientists want to have a better understanding of how cells change between states and why and when cells will not be able to change back. Researchers in the field of regenerative medicine are looking into this to tweak cells to make new organs or body parts Lastly, the final question posed by the article is what does it mean to understand cells. It is improbable that scientists will have a unified agreement of the meaning of understanding cells. The term “understanding a cell” means a different thing to different scientists who may only require one process to be understood. Some want to be able to predict what a cell is going to do to understand it. This especially caught my attention because it tells me that we may never fully understand cells because of disputes about the meaning of understanding cells. In conclusion, scientists may have known about the existence of cells for over 350 years, but there is still more that we can learn from the building blocks of life.

Anonymous said...

The Allen Institute for Cell Science wrote an extremely intriguing article about a few concepts that are still partially unknown to scientists. “5 Things We (Still) Don’t Know About Cells” described how even now with the technology and intellect of the modern world, cells are still a mystery that needs uncovering. For example, the author discussed how scientists still don’t fully know how cells differentiate. They’ve discovered the on/off genes, know what stem cells are, but they still don’t have the full picture. Another concept that hasn’t been fully uncovered is how every complex component of a cell works together. The ability of how the cell works is acknowledged, but that doesn’t mean that it’s thoroughly understood.
I’ve also read the article “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants—Ancient Humans Might Have As Well”, which details how the essential nutrient iodine has been integrated in the lives of earlier humans. In the modern world, people don’t have to struggle to acquire this nutrient as it’s found in many salt products, labeled “iodized salt”. However, earlier humans didn’t have the technology to iodize their ingredients, so the only logical way to obtain it was from the wild. Researchers weren’t sure on where the source came from, but they found a lead when they recognized that bonobos, a species similar to humans, got it from aquatic plants. They deduced that the ancient humans followed the bonobos lead, and were able to fulfill their demand for iodine.

Vraj Patel said...

After reading all three articles, I found "5 things we (still) don't know about cells" very interesting. The article talks about some of the questions that are still unanswered in cell biology. One section in the article that caught my attention is "How is a cell made?" We have been learning biology since middle school and cells are the building blocks of all living organisms. This section discusses how scientists only know the broad definition of a cell, "...a 3D, living, dynamic unit that maintains itself from a one-dimensional string of instructions." But there is more to be discovered. If cell biologists discover the actual way cells are made, there can be groundbreaking discoveries in the medical field and bring scientists one step closer to cure one of the worst disease, cancer. Cancer is the growth of cells at an abnormal rate, and if cell biologists can find out why these cancerous cells grow and how they grow, a cure for these abnormal cells can be found. Another section I found intriguing is, "What are the different stages of a cell’s life?" This really interests me because if scientists can find out the different stages of a cell's life, can all diseases be prevented and can death also be avoided if the growth of cells is stopped thus preventing the human body from aging? Cells are almost as complex as the human brain, and if these five questions are answered and cells are understood to the highest level, then it will lead to new discoveries pertaining the human body and all living organisms.

Kaitlyn Fung said...

I read the article detailing the reasons people study science. Recently I had been deciding between a future in a STEM career or one in the humanities. What the author said about the financial benefits of a STEM career is oftentimes a selling point for many students regardless of their interest in the field. Today’s society is dependent on money, so people would rather make money than do something they love. I agree with the author’s conclusion that being passionate about your area of study and profession is the true reason you should pursue it. Enjoying what you do makes a study/work mentality and environment ten times better. For me, the thought of the endless possibilities in STEM drew me in. I’ve always been one to ask questions until an answer could be provided. Science is all about answering those unanswered questions and opening new doors in the field through experimentation and research.

Shreya Dhillon said...

Regarding the article “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well”, I believe that knowing about how bonobos consume their iodine can actually contribute to the study about understanding how the human brain increased in size throughout its evolution. Bonobos are closely related to humans, and they get their iodine from aquatic plants. Iodine is extremely important to human brain development, and iodine deficiency would be dangerous, potentially causing fatigue, mood swings, goiter, miscarriage, stillbirth, and preterm birth. This may currently be the same case for bonobos, who likely would have similar consequences for not consuming sufficient amounts of iodine. Being that the bonobos get iodine from plants in the Congo, it could mean that early humans in the area likely had access to these plants. Modern humans would probably not consume aquatic plants like water lilies for iodine, but as the article states, it may have been essential for early humans to eat these plants so they could get the right amount of iodine that their body needed. They could've consumed these plants, which could, later on, have assisted in causing the evolution of the size of the human brain.

Harini Rajadeva said...

The article, “5 Things We (Still) Don’t Know About Cells”, intrigued me that cells is not completely understood. Cells are extremely complex, and there are millions of them in different varieties in the human body. However, I thought by now we have learned almost every aspect about them. Scientists already know a vast amount of information about them which is extraordinary considering the difficulty to observe cells since no one can physically see them. The five questions scientists are still answering are “Why is a muscle cell not a neuron?”, “What are the different stages of a cell’s life?”, “How is a cell made?”, and “Why do cells change the way they do-and can we get them to change in different ways?”. These questions really made me think, and I became curious to know more information that is needed to understand the structure, function, and the overall concept of cells. The question, “How is a cell made?”, made me the most interested because I became really curious and wonder what occurs for them to achieve the final structure a cell becomes. How can a complex cell come from the tiny DNA and what is exactly happening? Also, the question, “What are the different stages of the cell’s life?” is important for research because it will help scientists learn more about diseases. Being able to know what they are doing and what state they are in will help scientists know what is happening and observe them at a deeper level. As I was reading the other questions, the article always mentions how the researchers and scientists are working hard on finding answers and designing experiments to achieve them. It takes many people, years, and work to find at least one answer to the questions about cells because it is difficult to observe them. These questions will continue to make me curious about cells, and I am looking forward to the new discoveries scientists will make in biology and learning in depth about this complex topic.

Anonymous said...

Despite the discovery of cells over three centuries ago, many processes of cells remain unknown. Numerous scientists in contemporary society attempt to find answers to the underlying mysteries relating to cell biology such as cell specialization and cell synthesis. The article “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells,” highlights a plethora of phenomena regarding cells. Specifically, it emphasizes the issue of modern explanations for cell specialization. Embryonic stem cells develop into specialized cells; this process, however, has not complete explanation behind it ultimately showing room for more knowledge in this fundamental cell process. Furthermore, the article focuses on the idea that complex organisms originate from simple 4-lettered DNA strands. Scientists have difficulty explaining how the cells that make up living things interact with each other and organize themselves to create complicated forms of life.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, bonobos, apes similar to humans regarding iodine consumption, were found to be consuming rushes and water lilies. The human brain requires iodine for development especially during adolescence. Consequently, it is crucial for humans to obtain this vital nutrient for survival. The rushes and water lilies that bonobos ate were found to have high concentrations of iodine ultimately showing how they were able to survive in an environment with typically little-to-no iodine accessibility. Moreover, this discovery leads to an explanation of human survival. Because bonobos are similar to humans, the consumption of rushes and water lilies for iodine may contribute to the reason humans were able to live in the Democratic Republic of Congo before industrialization brought upon artificial supplements of this nutrient.

Anonymous said...

Advika Pandey
I chose to read the article discussing why one would enter the stem field as well as the article explaining what scientists are still discovering about cells. The article written by Chad Orzel highlights an important issue regarding some students who enter the stem field for the wrong reasons. Rather than wanting to pursue a stem career due to a passion they pertain for the field, they would prefer to make larger quantities of money, regardless of how much they may dislike stem. I strongly agree with the author when he states that one should only enter stem if that is truly their passion. By entering out of greed for money, it is possible that they may not find themselves as successful as they would wish to be. Unfortunately, in todays society often times money holds more importance rather than doing something one loves. Due to numerous economical struggles, people find that earning money justifies sacrificing happiness. In addition to the desire for money, family members can pressure children into enter a high paying career rather than chasing ones passion. However, this results in students to have a very narrow mindset. They have focused their lives toward a career in stem, while forgetting other possibilities of jobs. I believe that if one chooses to enter a stem major, they should have a desire to answer unanswered questions rather than earn larger sums of money to fill their pockets.
In the article “Five things we (still) don’t know about cells” the author touches upon topics scientists are continuously learning about and answering numerous questions that have remained unanswered for decades on end. I thought it was interesting how even though we have known about cells for numerous years, there still remains many topics we do not fully understand. Understanding the questions listed in this article such as “why do cells change the way they do” and “how is a cell made” could lead to information that could be used to solve numerous issues in the world today. Often times, diseases are caused as a result of a complication with the cells of a person and further understanding cells can solve those problems. These revolutionary discoveries can help hundreds of thousands of people and can lead to other discoveries as well.

Anonymous said...

Scientists are constantly working to discover and develop more scientific knowledge. They learn new ideas through research and experiments to find out more about the natural world. The article, “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells” explains how although scientists have done enough research to understand how cells work and what happens when they stop working in the presence of a disease, a lot of information about such cells is still undiscovered. Specialized cells perform different functions in multicellular organisms in various parts of the body and are developed from stem cells, also known as “cellular blanks slates.” There is no complete explanation about the reason a muscle cell which plays a vital role in providing movement to the organs of the body, for example, differentiated from a neuron which allows humans to react to their environment. Both cells started from the same blank slate and specialized to perform completely different functions in the body and scientists are still searching for an explanation as to how. By watching stem cells mature into cells in bones, nerves, and other organs and tissue, researchers and doctors can better understand how diseases and conditions develop. Research on such stem cells is advancing knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. Given their unique regenerative abilities, stem cells offer new potentials for treating diseases. Scientists are unaware of the different variations of cells that exist in the stages of a cells life and are still working on furthering their knowledge about how a cell is formed. Another one of the five things scientists are still researching is why stem cells go through a specific pathway where they can’t return from. By understanding how these pathways work, a cell’s fate decision can be used to grow new organs for transplants. Understanding cells is an important factor in determining how organisms function because cellular processes enable organisms to meet their basic needs.

Anonymous said...

I chose the article “ 5 things we still don’t know about cells” to comment on for this week. I found this article interesting to read because it showed me how much there still is to discover about cells even though scientists and researchers have studied this topic for quite a while now. An example is cell division, which I have learned as a student, is still being studied intensively to understand each stage more in-depth. They are still studied since a better understanding could lead to curing certain diseases like they mentioned. Also, one on the biggest parts of the cell is its creation. Scientists are still studying how the cell functions along with others and how it works together to keep the organism alive. Lastly, scientists have been researching stem cells for a good time and how they can be used to create organs for transplants. I would have thought that they have perfected it by now because of how long the idea has been in the open of using stem cells for transplants. In all, I was completely surprised by how many questions that there still is about the cell, and hopefully once the cell is completely figured out, and problems that arise could be fixed.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

5 things we don’t know about cells
It was interesting to me how we still don’t know much about cells, even with the mass amount of technology we have today. Although we don’t know a lot, we know about specialized cells. Each type of cell has a major function to carry out. For example, a neurons main function is to use axons to let us have various emotions and feelings. We also know that cells have different stages of life, similar to the human life. Some examples are division, stress responses , and programmed death. In addition, we also are aware of how a cell is made. Cells are a three dimensional unit that has a string of genomes or instructions. We can get these cells to change differently if needed. For example, once a cell decides to become a neuron, it can’t switch to any other specialized cell.

Dhivyan Kurani said...

The article that I read was “5 things we (still) don't know about cells”. The article focused on how much scientists do not know about cells, despite being understood as the basic building block of life over 200 years ago. Some of the issues that scientists do not fully understand are how cells change between states, why they will not change back, and the variation that can exist in a single cell type. The part of the article that got me thinking was “What does it mean to understand cells, anyway?” I never really thought about this in-depth because I always thought that whatever I learned about cells in school was sufficient information about them. I did not really question that at what point will I know that I truly understand cells. Reading this section of the article I do agree that understanding cells “...means very different things to different people”, for example, predicting “what a cell is going to do” or designing “a computer program that replicates what a cell does.” I do agree with these statements that understanding and being able to predict what a cells next move is the best indication of understanding it, as achieving this means we analyzed the various behaviors of a cell and can create a nearly identical copy of it on the computer. Overall, this article really resonated with me and inspired me to read up more on topics that I think I understand.

Anonymous said...

I found it peculiar that both humans and primates benefit largely from iodine intake, maybe as an effect of the evolutionary process. It particularly surprised me when I saw that iodine shares a direct correlation with brain development, and other subtopics such as IQ and certain hormones. This, personally, brings up the question, are there other elements or compounds that our ancestors used that made them either physically or mentally healthier than us? And it further causes me to question how ancient humans knew to take foods that were rich in iodine, as now it is given to the mass populace but the average human still doesn't know the benefits of iodine.

Kennysicat said...

I find it very fascinating how by studying modern apes’ diet, researchers can solve previous long lasting questions on the evolution of our distant ancestors. The third article was the most intriguing and interesting to me. The writer explains how within the rainforests and swamps of the Congo are apes called Bonobos. These Bonobos interestingly seek out the underwater parts of aquatic plants like white water lilies, yet ignore the leaves and flowers. Researchers performed tests and found that within these aquatic herbs were high levels of Iodine, which is a vital nutrient that promotes the development,eat of the brain. This is an important find as the Congo basin was inhabited by prehistoric humans yet was very lacking in this important element. After finding iodine in these plants scientists have figured out a possible source of Iodine to our distant ancestors. The writer explains that iodine comes from the fruits of the sea, yet today humans eat many foods that have salt in which iodine was added. Finding iodine in these aquatic plants in swamps have answered the question on how early hominids in central Africa were able to get enough iodine considering their inability to get iodine sources in coastal regions. As iodine is seen to raise IQ in humans it is believed by some researchers that this nutrient aided in the evolution of larger brains and higher cognition. After reading this article I can imagine how researchers struggled to understand how the early human species could have developed in central Africa in what was believed to be a region lacking iodine. As iodine is a very essential element which can serious effects on the body when one is deficient, it was still clear that the early hominids were retrieving the nutrient from somewhere. But by just observing a Bonobos behavior that seemed odd, researchers were able to link their behavior to a possible behavior of our distant ancestors. Even though scientists have made major discoveries on how Humans have evolved overtime, there will always be constant research coming out everyday.

Prayan Goud said...

The human body presents itself to have many wonders that still prove to be a mystery. Our body is made up of a vast number of cells; each serving a different purpose, allowing the body to function as a whole. Yet even though we had discovered them more than a few hundred years ago, we had still not fully understood the many processes and their methods of functioning. In the article “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells” by the Allen Institute of Cell Science, they begin to detail that though there was extensive research that was done and still being done, they had still not gotten a definitive understanding of how cells work. The researchers first bring into question how a cells change into the different variations that exist within the human body. The cells begin as Embryonic stem cells during the early development of a human and can turn into any cell the body requires, which is what puzzles scientists today. There is yet to be an answer to how these cells become different from one another. Researchers have yet to understand the different variations that a cell has, only making it harder for them to categorize the different cells. In an effort to identify the different variations at which the cells exist in the body, researchers had documented over 30,000 images. By understanding these different cell states, researchers can understand issues such as disease. What has also puzzled scientists is how these cells formed. Cells come and form from the genome, but the way that it happens seems to be unknown. The ability of a complex organism deriving from a string of instructions still bewilders scientists as to their procedure for organizing themselves is still not understood. This comes to show how complex the human body and the many mysteries that still haven’t been solved. Through further research and observations, one day the mysteries of the human body can be understood and would lead to advancements that would benefit people, letting them overcome medical issues which had once plagued them.

Kamalika Pothapu said...

To start, the first article that I read was “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells” from Allen Institute for Cell Science. There are several key questions that were asked in this article. The first question was “Why is a muscle cell not a neuron?” This part of the article focuses on how interesting it is that two cells that have many of the same functions became different. We all know that in our body, every cell makes almost indistinguishable copies of its genome. Specialized cell types develop from embryonic stem cells, which are cells that appear only very early during development and are cellular blank slates. There are many parts of this process that still remain to be mysterious. A neuron is a very intricate part of our body, for there are branching dendrites and a tentacle-like axon that work together with billions of other types of this cell to make sure our environment is observed correctly, read, as well as remember. Like the neuron, a muscle cell also has a special internal structure that allows it to produce a force by contracting and relaxing in sync with its neighbors, enabling movement, heartbeat, as well as allowing our diaphragms to have air drawn into the lungs. Though the ways that the neuron and the muscle cells operate are very similar, they are very different. The next and second question was “What are the different stages of a cell’s life?” We all know that the cell goes through different phases of life just like us. But researchers do not know the details of all those stages and cellular milestones, as well as how to recognize and categorize them. The third question was “How is a cell made?” Scientists still do not understand how cells are formed at all. In fact, a cell biologist at the Allen Institute for Cell Science, Susanne Rafelski, Ph.D., said, “What is the fundamental question of cell biology? It’s the fundamental question of life.” The fourth question posed by scientists is “Why do cells change the way they do--and can we get them to change in different ways?” This part of the article refers to how there are hundreds of types of specialized cells, and that our cells could go down pathways of no return. Once a cell decides to be one type of cell, it can not switch to be another type. For example, a stem cell that decides it will be a neuron, can not suddenly switch and become a kidney cell. Researchers are working on comprehending the biology behind those cell fate decisions, and how to alter them to grow new organs or other body parts for people that require transplants. The fifth and last question is “What does it mean to understand cells, anyway?” Understanding cells is a tremendous ambition that will need several researchers undertaking the issue of various aspects. It is so mesmerizing to just know that we have so much more to learn and discovered about cells and that there is so much more in biology that we do not yet know about, despite the vast amount of advancements scientists have made in science. There is so much more to study about cells that we do not even know about.

Kamalika Pothapu said...

The second article I read was “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else.” The writer, Chad Orzel, talked about how the students enter college for STEM majors focusing more on practical subjects rather than focusing on “what really matters” in their education. Orzel finds himself to be puzzled by how narrow some students’ interests were. The biggest issue that he found was why people ended up in STEM fields and STEM careers. Orzel states that he did not choose grad school in physics because of the transparent path that was opened by a Ph.D. in laser-cooled atoms, but because he found studying physics to be fun and after a talk given by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Most STEM students picked their major subject because something about it catches true interest for them about that subject, not for money. STEM majors are for students who have a burning passion for it, and for people that find the subject that they like inspiring to a point that they would like to pursue it as a career. I personally want to pursue medicine because I am actually passionate about it. The human body is so intriguing to me, and I find it so fascinating to just know there is so much going on in it. It is so cool of how all the cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, work together to make up the human body. I am not going into medicine solely because of the amount of money that I can make, but because I am actually zealous about pursuing it.

Anonymous said...

Cells are the fundamental component of living organisms yet, we still don’t know much about them. In the article, “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells”, Allen Institute for Cell Science explains what scientist are still questioning today. Although, with new discovers in the last years, the study of cells is ongoing. I found this article interesting because most people think about a basic cell when asked about a cell. However, a biologist would imagine a complex diagram with 30 plus terminology and still have tons of questions about the cell. I found two of the questions whose answers remain a mystery very interesting. The first question that I found fascinating is what are the different stages of a cell’s life. Scientist do not know the specifics of the ‘cell states’, which are details of a cell’s stage. They also don’t know how to see what the stage is of a cell at certain times. Say if a scientist was able to figure out that all the cells were stressed and dying, than a medial professional would know something was wrong. By recognizing and categorizing the cell’s stage we could better understand diseases. The second question is how a is cell created. Scientist still do not know how a cell is formed. Cells are made of different molecular pieces and each one is unique. The differencing of cells is caused by their genetic material, called DNA. A complicated cell can be formed by just a string of DNA. As I read through this article, I realized although we believe we know everything about humans from cellular structure to human interactions, scientist may never fully understand cells. To understand cells it will require multiple and different researchers. Continuing the research and the observations made thus far will help scientist learn more about human cells, and other mammal cells.

Anonymous said...

I found the “Why Study Science?” article to be relatable since I know many students who plan on entering the medical field either because their parents want them to or because it “guarantees” a stable job and income. I have also seen this in situations besides a science career. When applying for colleges, students join certain clubs and choose certain classes simply because it would look good. This way of thinking can have adverse effects. Students who act in this way are normally under pressure to do good from parents and society. They may be doing things they don’t enjoy, rather than following their interests, which can take a mental toll. Personally, choosing an interesting, less daunting and mentally straining career path is a better alternative than following the “notable” guidelines set by others. Similar to what Chad Orzel, the author, said, no amount of money will make someone like a job unless they are truly interested and willing to commit to it.

Nikita Brahmma said...

After reading these articles, I had found the article written by the Allen Institute for Cell Science, " 5 things we (still) don't know about cells" the most captivating. This article mainly focuses on some few concepts that are still unknown or either unable to fully understand. For example, in the section, " What are the different stages of a cell's life," it states how scientist are still unaware of the multitudes of variation in one single cell type. Though scientists may have an understanding of the the phases of a cell, known as the "cell states" they are unable to go in depth. Another major question posed by scientist are how to integrate cells or in other words combine cells. It is clearly stated in thus article about the difficult time scientists have to handle trying to tackle the mystery of these cells. Even though they may have the advanced technology to predict and observe things of the cell, to be able to capture the essence of a cell and understand the entirety of a cell is a huge task. In the section, " What does it mean to understand cells, anyway?" it states, " Understanding cells is a huge goal which will require a lot of different researchers tackling the issue on multiple fronts." As said, though many components may be have discovered regarding cells, it has not yet been thoroughly understood.

Bhakti Ramani said...

I read the article “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else”. This article provided me with many reasons why one would want to study science and in particular what inspired the author to study physics. He said that in college, a guest speaker once talked about Sisyphus cooling. As the speaker talked more and more about it, the author was fascinated by the topic and want to learn more. Just like that, it is possible that people who want to study science have been inspired by such people or events. The author mentioned that one should study science only if they are really interested in the topicals want to learn more, not just for the money. This really helped me because many times I think to myself why am I so interested in having a future in the field of science, biology to be specific. Another way the article was useful was because I am considering a STEM based career for myself. For many years now I imagined myself becoming a doctor. I always had so many questions that I wanted to know the answers to and only science could help me do that. But recently I didn’t feel too inclined towards that occupation. Instead the various STEM based jobs seemed more interesting and something that I would enjoy doing. I have always wanted to pursue a career where I can help the needy and I thought only doctors can do that. But now that STEM based careers are becoming more popular, I was able to see that these people are doing the same things that doctors do but indirectly. For example biomedical engineers design and create equipment and devices that doctors use to cure patients. The reason why my interest changed a bit was because after I took a computer programming course, it was something that I was really good at and had fun coding. So, I thought what if I can use those skills and still do something in the biology field which is what I’m interested in studying.

Anushri Sriram said...

Out of all three articles, I found “Things We (Still) Don’t Know About Cells” by the Allen Institute the most intriguing. The articles lists an array of different questions that are still unanswered about cells. Cells, which are one of the first topics that we are introduced to in elementary and middle school, are still a mystery. Even with all the technological improvements that have occurred since the cell theory has been introduced, scientists still don’t have the knowledge to answer questions relating to “how exactly a cell is made?” We have only learned a broad representation how it functions and how it looks. We known that cells are the building blocks of our body and that each have their own genetic instructions that enable it to perform its function. But, this definition of a cell isn’t complete. Scientists have yet to uncover the intricacies that lie in each component of this topic: How cells are created, how they differentiate, its different states, how to recognize these states and such. An embryonic stem cell gives the opportunity for a range of different cells to come to life, such as muscle cells, skin cells, neurons and etc. We do know that stem cells have instructions to transcribe cells to perform different functions, but these cells cannot revert back into stem cells or be instructed to perform a different function. Also, how do all these different cells in our body with their own building manual originate from one cell become so “different”. If scientists can answer this complex question, they can also find answers to other relating questions that could help identify diseases based on what causes a cell to change states. This could be a great development in regenerative medicine as well. How certain shifts in cells can help us learn how to transplant different parts of the body and organs we couldn’t before. Scientist still haven’t grasped cell differentiation and the different stages completely. This information could help them prevent a cell from turning cancerous by identifying which state it is in exactly. The article also addresses that “understanding a cell” is a different definition for everyone, scientists are all tackling this broad scope from various perspectives. Some will devote their lives to just one type of cell, some want to target a process of cell, and others believe that the essence of a cell can be defined by a computer program that replicates it. As everyone has a different outlook on cells, it would be difficult to reach a common consensus on what understanding a cell is. But, the questions will still be answered with such a large focus on learning more about cells despite the different reasons that scientists have for their interest in cell research.

Anonymous said...

I found the “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells” article quite intriguing for numerous reasons, while reviewing all three works. It summarizes the many theories we have proved about cells, but then continues on to provide insights on the many questions asked regarding cells. Of the many questions mentioned, the one about about how a cell is made fascinated me the most. With the technology we have today, along with the scientists and biologists we have had now and in the past, it seems like quite a silly question to ask. One would assume that if if we have found out how plants, body systems, and even chocolate is composed, then something as simple as the basic structure or unit of life shouldn’t be that complex. We already know that cells are 3D, living instructions, basically, for an organism, but as cell biologist Susanne Rafelski states, “Two really important unknowns in cell biology are how to integrate cells and what their general organizing principles are.” In an experiment can prove how cells are actually made, and the conclusion of their ‘indicated stages of life’ (cell stages) are supported with the evidence, we may be able to aid people experiencing cell death, more efficiently. Not only that, individuals with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and even Parkinson’s may have a way better chance of being cured, since such illnesses don’t have a definite cure. Since no absolute treatment is available in the world today, searching for answers to questions like the ones listed in the article would really help make a difference toward better understanding the hidden truths of life.
“The wonderful thing about biology is that there’s so much that is still undiscovered.”
~Allan Jones

Jonathan Botrous said...

The article "Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else" was interesting to read because I have a strong stance on the subject. This passage refers to other articles that argue against the dominance of STEM majors in higher education. I believe This dominance should be supported instead. Art and Music are nice and enjoyable but that cannot be compared with something that saves lives and improves technology. Improvements in science are more important and useful than any creative piece of art or music which is why these articles also describe science as inhuman implicit. As Chad Orzel explained, he chose a career in physics due to his interest in the subject, not for monetary benefits. These benefits are a bonus for those who chose a career that improves people's lives.

The article "Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well" was also interesting because I did not know iodine plays such a crucial role in brain development. If the addition of in Americans' diet boosted IQ, I wonder how much can be added before it's harmful and how much that will boost brain development. How long does it take for a certain amount of iodine to take effect? The sub article "How Adding Iodine to Salt Boosted Americans’ IQ" implies that it was fairly prompt since it was introduced in 1924 and "Men from these regions born in 1924 or later were significantly more likely to get into the Air Force and had an average IQ that was 15 points higher than their predecessors."

All three of these article were interesting some taught me new information.

Anonymous said...

The first article I read was the “Why Study Science?” article, which details on a physicist’s observation on the growing interest in science for many students. This article stood out to me because I myself know many of my peers who want to go into science or even business because they believe those fields are the only way to be successful because they are practical and can often lead to high paying jobs. While science is a highly important and rewarding field that must be studied, students must be sure that they are interested in their science and that they will truly enjoy their job in the future. In order to make a better future for the world, we must have people who are dedicated to their careers and want to use their studies to help others, especially in science.
I then read the article about how Bonobos get their iodine and how it relates to our primate ancestors and humans today. I learned that bonobos get their iodine from a soft pith at the base of leaves and other swampy plants like water lilies, and that iodine is an essential nutrient for both bonobos and humans. This article was interesting to me because I was not aware of how truly important iodine is for us or what having an iodine deficiency can result in, like weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, hypothyroidism, goiters, and prenatal defects in pregnant women. The fact that scientists were able to figure out the necessity of this nutrient and began to make iodized salt for humans, which led to an increase in brain development, was very fascinating to me.

Kayla Acevedo said...

The "5 things we (still) don't know about cells" article was very interesting. We have learned about cells for years in school and I had always thought that we knew a substantial amount about them. This article brought to my attention how we still have so much more to learn and discover. Cells are so complex for being such a basic, fundamental part of life. I also find it interesting how the article highlights how we understand the end result more often than knowing how it reached that point. The article posed questions that were so interesting and allow for a complete picture once answered. The "Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else" article was also interesting. As a student and thinking of my future, I have been asked so many times about jobs and what I want to do. I really enjoy science and math and to think that people just want to get into these fields for the monetary side is disappointing. Like the author said, you should be passionate about your job and should be able to enjoy it. I think that if you're passionate about what you are doing and have an actual and real interest in it, you'd be more successful and happier. While STEM careers may offer financial stability, it shouldn't be the only reason you look to the field for a job or course of study.

Anonymous said...

The article "5 things we still don't know about cells" is quite interesting. It is pretty intriguing how cells have been around for more than 350 years, yet the scientists and researchers have not been able to completely comprehend them, which reflects the complexity of a cell. The article concentrates on the unanswered questions regarding the overall function of the cells. Scientists around the world have not been able to clarify several topics such as the difference between a muscle cell and a neuron and how is a cell made. The reading also examines the different stages of a cell’s cycle, also known as the ”cell states”. The section that caught my attention was ”Why do cells change the way they do — and can we get them to change in different ways?”. It discusses cell differentiation as well as the researcher’s ambition to thoroughly understand the biology behind the cell’s decision and tweak the stem cells to produce new organs. Graham Johnson, a cell biologist, and visualization scientist quotes “I think that ‘understanding a cell’ means very different things to different people, and it depends on what question they are asking, ” Since, there are multiple definitions of ”understanding a cell” I believe that scientists may never entirely master cells.

The following article ”Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else” demonstrates the logic behind studying STEM majors. The article states that students aren't engaged in STEM majors because of the high wage. In the present-day students are more likely to choose a profession based on its earnings rather than a career they are truly passionate about. Studying a subject you are attracted to automatically motivates you to do better.

Sara Umar said...

The article “5 Things We (Still) Don’t Know About Cells” made me realize how little scientists and biologists know about the basic building block of all living beings. Each paragraph introduced interesting points and opened my eyes as to how we truly don’t fully understand, for example, how a muscle cell and neuron become a muscle cell or neuron. I find it interesting how the limitations experts face from being able to cure an incurable disease or to launch a procedure that can grow new organs derive from the fact that they truly don’t know many aspects of cells. Topics that scientists have not grasped are the stages of cells, the creation of these cells, and why cells even alter in the first place and if we can use that mechanism to our advantage. With all of these unanswered questions, we are simply unable to understand how our bodies work. Once the experts answer these questions, advancements in the medical field will be inevitable and new treatments, cures, specialties, jobs, and ideas will save lives. Overall, I found this article to be very fascinating because I truly thought that we would know all of these unanswered questions by now. Extensive research will have to be performed before scientists can understand how we become ourselves.

Rachel Youssef said...

I found the article “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else” very interesting. I wanted to be a doctor ever since I was young, and even though I’ve been doubting my abilities recently, this article motivated me to still want to pursue a STEM career. Chad Orzel said that, present day, many people pursue certain careers for the salary and not so much the enjoyment of that career. At first, I was looking for a high paying science career, but over the past few years, I realized that I should be picking a career that I’ll enjoy and feel fulfilled doing. Orzel shed some more light on this point saying that he wants people to look at a major and want to pursue a career because they think it’s awesome. This article reinforced my interests of pursuing a STEM career.

Anonymous said...

The article "5 things we (still) don't know about cells" immediately grabbed my attention simply from the first picture that shows structures inside a human stem cell, for after weeks of summer where time was not spent thinking about cells, it reminded me of how fascinated I am by the subject of biology. As a student, I know that there is so much information, in which scientists have discovered through hundreds of years of research, for me to learn. Because we do know so much about cells and the functions of the human body already, reading the article astounded me in which it posed questions that we still don't have answers to. For instance, scientists can not completely explain the process in which an embryonic stem cell specializes into one of the many "types" of cells of our bodies. However, as the article indicates, specialization is extremely important, for the different functions of different types of cells allow a person to operate as a whole. Also, it's interesting to think about how scientists spend so much time researching the different stages of a cell's life. They have named different phases of the cell cycle, yet it's not like a cell knows when it is in a certain phase. As scientists learn how cells form from the genome and explore the fate of specialized cells, we may grasp a greater understanding of biology. However, I really do not think we will ever run out of processes to research, especially as we persistently evolve as a human race and invent more advanced technology. In my opinion, the unknown of science keeps biology interesting and relevant. In relation to the second article "Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else", this interest and relevance of science is a huge reason why many people pursue biology. The author discusses how he did not choose physics because of the obvious career path available to him. Instead, he picked it because he found physics to be fun. His interest in physics is an equivalence to how I find biology to be so captivating. I'm really looking forward to taking AP Bio, and as of now, have a passion for pursuing science, not for money but just because I really enjoy learning about it. I think being happy in a work place is just as important as the amount of money one makes from working.

James said...

After reading the article "5 things we (still) don't know about cells" by the Allen Institute for Cell Science, I have gained a better understanding of the many unknowns of the building blocks of life, and a greater wanting to know more about cells and biology as a whole. The article discusses the things that make cell scientists have trouble putting together. These things also are alike in that these topics/questions are very broad and important to cells, like the creation of a cell and its stages. To elaborate on a cell's life stages, they are having trouble depicting what stage a cell could be in. The Allen Institute captured 30,000 images of human stem cells to figure out what details may give them a clue in depicting cell stages. After all of that, they still couldn't put together what was going on. They also talk about muscle cells and why they aren't considered a neuron. Structurally, they are very similar in that they are both very excitable/volatile. The question here is how cells become different from one another. Why are muscles cell a cell when it looks more like a neuron? These questions are what drives scientific work and discovery, and the curiosity and the ability to wonder is what makes science what it is.

Anonymous said...

I found “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells” article an interesting article. What I found most interesting about the article is the fact there is still a lot that we don’t know about our bodies. An example of that like it was stated in the article is when stern change into their designed cell or the cell that is needed. What’s also interesting is the fact that scientists don’t know when that process occurs or if it’s possible to go back a step. Which means that once a cell is set to become a kidney cell or heart cell, they can’t go back to being a stem cell or changing it to another form of a cell. The reason this is an important topic is that it can help with future organ transplants and could make the process wary easier. Another unknown about cells that scientists are still searching about is the process of aging and disease and the effects that it has on the cell. If scientists are able to gain that knowledge humanity will change forever.

Ashish Nadimpalli said...

The article "Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well" was an intriguing article because it was interesting to find out that iodine is essential to humans and bonobos and how both groups obtained this chemical. After reading the article, I discovered that iodine promotes brain development. Iodine is necessary in order to create thyroid hormones, which control metabolism in adults and are critical for fetal brain development. Fatigue, weight gain and mood swings, and symptoms of hypothyroidism can all be caused by a lack of thyroid hormones. It can also lead to goiter. Goiters are where the thyroid gland, an organ that sits over the airway, expands. Goiters make it hard to breathe and swallow, which could cause choking. Negative effects such as miscarriages, stillbirths, preterm delivery and children with intellectual disabilities are also caused by iodine deficiency. I also learned that this chemical was added to salt in 1924. This led to a spike in the average of IQ for humans. Before this addition to salt, we obtained this chemical form seafood such as shrimp, tuna, shellfish and seaweed. We also obtain iodine from eggs, milk, and soy beverages. I found this very interesting as well because these foods are everyday foods, yet I didn't realize that those foods provided my body with an essential chemical, iodine. Scientists believe that iodine leads to growth in humans. Bonobos obtain their iodine from rushes and lilies. However, they do not have a high amount of iodine. Previously, rushes and water lilies may not be considered important, but our ancestors thought hey might have been essential. It was also interesting to see that both humans and bonobos both require iodine as they are an essential chemical in brain and body development.

Amit Geeniga said...

The article I found most interesting out of the three was “5 things we still don’t know about cells. The article was structured around how even though cells were discovered 350 year ago, there is still much unknown about the cell. The most fascinating factoid was the section about stem cells. Though it is known the different types of cells from muscle to neuron cells differentiate in early development from key stem cells, we still don’t know the process. Both cells contain the same genetic information in the form of DNA but they have very different structures and functions pertaining to they human body. The neuron cell has branching dendrites while the muscle cell’s internal structure allows it to contract. Both specialized from stem cells which are simply cells with the potential to develop into any of the bodily cells. This is intriguing as in the modern science community, much research is being put into developing stem cells as with the potential to specialize into any cell, they can be used in a variety of ways to grow new cells. This is important as some cells like the neuron cells never reproduce, so stem cells can be used to help with medical problems like paralysis by developing new neuron cells. Another mystery is the cell stages. I know that the basic cell stages such as interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis are known as I learned them last year, but what I didn’t know was that the minute details of these stages are still unknown. Research is being put into unraveling the details and the most recent endeavor was understanding the motor protein dynien which helps put the chromatids in place at the equator.

“The wonderful thing about biology is that there’s so much that is still undiscovered,” ~Allan Jones. We know so much about the cell but we as humans have the curiosity to know more and more. The quote reflects on the thinking that led to such important discovories in science such as Robert Hooke’s first discovery of cork cells.

Anonymous said...

The article “Why Study Science” details a scientist’s perspective on what influences someone to continue studying science alongside his own reasons for becoming a scientist. Chad Orzel is the scientist and author of the article who decided to study science because it appealed to him and the fact that another Nobel prize winning scientist, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, vastly contributed to his love of the topic. Further in the article he explains that students should choose their majors by the ones you say yes to when asked “Isn’t this awesome!?” I completely agree with his way of thinking since students should enjoy what they learn which includes what is learned in science classes. For instance, the author claims he has fun studying physics. There are also other factors that play into wanting to study sciences. Some students may base their decision off of how much they enjoy learning it. This impacts the amount of passion one will pour into learning. However, he also notes that there is a portion of students who make the decision to choose majors that will result in the highest paying job, but the majority of STEM students choose STEM from different reasons. Furthermore, within the field of science there are still many mysteries to uncover just as the ones described in “5 things we (still) don't know about cells.” Unanswered questions that this article highlights concerning cells includes how it is formed and the variation of a cell is still not understood by scientists. The amount of information in science is always growing as more research and data is found.

Tarun Krishnan said...

I was very interested by the article "5 things we (still) don't know about cells" and the various questions that it presented about cells. The fact that the cell was originally discovered more than 350 years is astonishing and it shows how even after multiple centuries biologists are continuing to learn new things about cells. The section of the article titled "Why is a muscle cell not a neuron?" made me wonder about the processes that a cell must go through in order to develop a specialized function. If biologists are able to understand how a cell goes from an embryonic stem cell to a muscle cell (or any other type of cell for that matter), they would be able to understand the life cycle of a cell in more detail. The article continued on to discuss how the stages of a cell's life are still not very well defined which also intrigued me. The analogy of cell states to the human states of being asleep and awake made me realize that two different cell states may actually be one and we may not just know it yet. When biologists studied cells in the past, they may have believed that one stage was two different stages or vice versa. This is thought-provoking because this could mean that in the future biologists may discover that the cell cycle is completely different from what they had believed it was for many years. Another question that still remains unanswered, as explained by the article, is how cells are formed. It is difficult to imagine that a three-dimensional cell is created from a string of DNA, although this is how all cells are formed. Future research on this topic may help biologists better understand this interesting process. Understanding why cells change is also crucial because it could help scientists manipulate them to grow organs for people who need transplants. This could potentially save many lives over time. I believe that with more research, biologists will be able to understand different types of cells in many different ways. Cell biologists such as Susanne Rafelski, Ph.D. are currently conducting research by observing cells and using technology at the Allen Institute for Cell Science which will hopefully help them answer these questions. This article was very informational and thought-provoking overall. I hope that we will be able to discover the answers to all of these compelling questions in the future.

Anonymous said...

In the Article “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells, it explained five things that scientists still do t know about cells. Cells are the basic unit of life. Cells were discovered hundreds of years ago, but we still haven’t discovered everything about them. One of the first things that biologists haven’t been able to figure out is how a muscle cell and a neuron cell become different. Neuron cells work with other neuron cells to interpret our environment and help us so many things such as remember information and read. Muscle cells work together to create force that allows us to move and our hearts to beat. There is still no explanation of how these cells are different. Secondly, we do not know what the different stages of a cell life are. Cells go through different phases of their life. These phases include division, stress responses, and programmed death. Scientists do not know what phase/stage the cell is at when they look at it. An example given to explain this is when a person is sleeping. Even if a person is lying on their back and have their eyes closed, they might not be sleeping. It is very important to understand the stages of a cell’s life because they are significant for many reasons, such as understanding diseases. Scientists need to know what the cell is doing in order to understand the problem. However, we still don’t know how to identify the different phases of a cell’s life. Biologists still have not fully understood how a cell is made. They still question how a complicated unit of life is made from the four bases of DNA. Scientists also need to understand how cells change between their phases and why they can’t change back. Biologists have not been able to understand this but it is important to know so scientists can change the cells to grow new organs and body parts for transplants. Lastly, scientists and researchers are still disagreeing on the meaning of understanding a cell. Some might focus on a process, while others on molecules. Some people say that if they can predict what a cell will do next then they have understood it. In conclusion, there are many things that we still have to learn about cells and it is a crucial to understand a cell. I wonder how our lives will change as biologists discover more about cells. What new technologies will help us learn more about cells? How can we help the world as we discover new things about cells?

In the article, “Bonobos get their iodine from swampy plants-Ancient humans as well,” I learned that iodine plays a crucial part in brain development. Researchers have learned that bonobos eat herbs that contain a lot of iodine. The Congo Basin also contains iodine and prehistoric humans used to live there. Researchers studied the food that bonobos ate and found out that the rushes and water lilies contain a lot of iodine. Iodine is important to make thyroid hormones. This controls adult metabolism and is important for fetal development. A deficiency of iodine is very dangerous and harmful especially during pregnancy. People now get iodine through their diet. In conclusion, finding a large iodine source in the Congo Basin was a very important discovery for researchers because it told them a possible way of how prehistoric humans gained access to iodine. I wonder how iodine impacted evolution.
These articles interested me and taught me a lot of new information.

Anonymous said...

I found the article “5 things we (still) don't know about cell” very fascinating. In this article Horwitz and his colleagues explained 5 things about cells that we still don’t understand. One would ask, if we understand how plants and animals are composed then how is the basic structure or unit of life so complex. The discovery of the cell happened around 350 years ago on a cork tree. 350 years later scientists still haven’t fully understood how cells work. One of the five points mentioned was “How is a cell made”. This caught my eye because I had thought that we already knew how cells are made. Cells are a 3D, living, dynamic unit that maintains itself from a one-dimensional string of instructions yet we don’t understand the rules of how it happens. Apart from that it is amazing that our bodies can create a functional cell from a string of four-lettered DNA. In the article Rafelski explains the two most crucial unknowns of the cell “Two really important unknowns in cell biology are how to integrate cells and what their general organizing principles are”. If the creation of cells and how they die or become diseased is to be better understood then people with diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s might have a better chance of being cured since there is currently no definite cure for them. Since no cure is available scientists are working every day to answer the questions in the article and many more to try to understand the biology of a cell which could lead to many cures for thought to be incurable diseases.

Anonymous said...

I found the article “5 things we still don’t know about cells” very interesting. Previously, I knew a moderate amount of information of cells and the very concept of the “cell” and how it affects our human bodies fascinated me. I learned, from reading this article, that there are more stages to the cell cycle such as division, stress response, and programmed death in addition to metaphase, anaphase, telephase, and prophase. Additionally, I learned that the hundreds types of cells in our bodies look and very differently with each other, and they each have an important role in the human body. It is not really known how two cells become different but it is known that a neuron works together with other billions of neuronal cells and that a muscle cell has special internal structure that allows it to produce force. Furthermore, from reading the section titled “Why do cells change the way they do- and can we get them to change in different ways”, I realized that as we mature into adults, our cells change and grow in distinct ways. Our cells develop and mature and go down pathways of no return. That is why we, sad humans, grow and mature so much from single, fertilized eggs into complicated beings. Graham Johnson, a cell biologist, explains why it is important to understand cells and its relation to the body. This will help further research in the differences between human cells and mammalian cells and species of other cells.
Moreover, I found the article “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants very intriguing, too. Before reading this article, I had no idea that a mammal could get a source of potassium from swampy pants. The title, itself, made me very curious to read this text. Research has shown that bonobos, as a species, can be expected to have similar iodine requirements to humans. Continuing the study, researchers collected fruits and herbs the animals ate and measured the amount of iodine in them. The results illustrate that when the primates consume these aquatic herbs, it satisfies the requirement of iodine needed in their bodies. In addition to the fact that the swampy plants contain this substance, I also learned why iodine was very essential and beneficial to the body. It is needed to make thyroid hormones, which control metabolism and is essential for fetal brain development.

Shubham Agarwal said...

I chose to read the article “5 things we (still) don't know about cells.” This article talks about the key points of cells, the simplest form of life. Though we have known about cells for over 350 years, it’s very important to note that we still do not know everything about them. In fact, there’s a lot that we have yet to discover. The first important question posed in the article was: “Why is a muscle cell not a neuron?” At first thought, it may seem simple; a neuron is a cell that conducts electrical pulses throughout the brain, sending messages to other parts of the body via the spinal cord, while a muscle cell is a cell that contracts and relaxes to create force, allowing us to move. But if you think about it more closely, there’s no real explanation for why exactly muscle cells and neurons are not the same thing. The process in which a stem cell turns into a specialized cell isn’t clear either. The next question brought up in the article was: “What are the different stages of a cell’s life?” This question is so intriguing because there is no definite point in which cells switch their phases. These phases are decided by scientists, but there’s no real way of telling. Part of the reason is because there’s so much diversity in a single type of cell. It is clear that the way scientists have organized their knowledge about these tiny living forms is not very discreet or accurate, and they are certainly subject to change as more discoveries are made. Another very interesting question talked about in the article is: “Why do cells change the way they do — and can we get them to change in different ways?” This question is very important, because scientists have only just started to learn about the different aspects of cell differentiation. It is a whole different story as per why cells specialize to the type of cell they eventually become, let alone being able to give some human influence into that process. This question is very important however, because let's say we do in fact discover a way to manipulate a cell’s specialization, we could easily reproduce them into a sufficient amount, allowing us to recreate a whole tissue or organ for someone in need. The help that doctors can provide would be brought to a whole different level with such technology.

Anonymous said...

I read the article “Why Study Science?The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else.” In this article, the author Chad Orzel discusses why an average person would want to enter the STEM field and why he chose to become a scientist. This article sounded very interesting to me because any high school student my age is wondering what profession they should purées or what field they should enter. The author said that if something about atopic in a specific field mad you go “Yes! That’s what I want to do!” Then that should be the field you should enter. Mr. Orzel entered the STEM field, because he found physics fascinating and exciting. He also mentioned that entering a field because of the paycheck that you will receive is not a valid reason to be entering that field. This is a statement that I wholeheartedly agree with. I believe when entering a field you have to love every aspect of the job and the field. You have to have find all sides of the job interesting. The STEM field is waiting for people who love the field and people who are ready to take on a complicated adventure.

Pranesh Manisankar said...

In the article "Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well" I was interested by the fact of how important Iodine is to the human body. It has an extremely important role in keeping the human body functioning. It affects all parts of the body from brain development to breathing and swallowing. It can also lead to loiter. Which is where the thyroid gland becomes enlarged. And because it sits over the airway it becomes hard to breathe or swallow, and give the affected person the feeling that they are chocking. And it even affects pregnancy with miscarriages, stillbirth, preterm delivery, and children with intellectual disabilities. And because of how important it is, it was added to many different parts of the diet. Many foods that we consume on a daily basis contain the element. With the addition of iodine to common foods it is likely what lead to the bump in IQ. But, how do Bonobos get the necessary amount of iodine? It is contained in rushes and water Lillies. We might not consider these as essential foods but for the Bonobos they were.

Dhruv Vaidya said...

The article I read this week is called “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else”. The article mentioned how some students in present day choose careers in science because of the amount of money to be gained from it, while in truth they should be choosing a career in science because they are passionate about it or are intrigued by it. What interested me was how the author became interested in a career in science. It fascinated me that one lecture pushed the author to finally discover what he wanted to do. I feel that as time passes on people are focusing less and less about what interests them and more on what allows them to get the most money for what amount of work they are doing, even if there is no enjoyment they get from that job. I was also unsurprised that the authors family was suspicious as to what he planned to do with his degree, however I am amazed as to how far the author has come with a degree in cold-atom physics. The author is a perfect example of how if a person is interested in something they can go farther in that subject than if they pick something they don’t really care about.

Anirudh S. said...

In the article "Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants — Ancient Humans Might Have As Well" I read about the importance of iodine in the human diet. We need it for a number of reasons, from metabolism to brain development.Iodine deficiency can lead to mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, and other symptoms of hypothyroidism. An iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to, miscarriages, still birth and pre term delivery. Due to these reasons, iodine was added to salt; this possibilly led to a increase of the average IQ.

Anonymous said...

From all three articles I was most interested in the “5 things we (still) don’t know about cells.” I was surprised that even after discovering cells for more than 350 years ago, we still don’t have all the questions about cells answered yet. After reading the section, “Why is a muscle cell not a neuron” I also started thinking how neuronal cells are different from muscle cells. I couldn’t think of a solid answer to that question. As Horwitz said “There’s just no complete explanation.” Before reading the section, “What are the different stages of a cell’s life?” I thought that people already knew what the different phases were and how they work, but after reading the section I understood what we didn’t know. The part that I found most interesting was how we don’t know “how to recognize and correctly categorize them when they see them.” I thought that we knew all about that. After reading the section, “How is a cell made,” the question and statement that I thought about a lot was the question that Rafelski said and his response to that, “What is the fundamental question of cell biology? It’s the fundamental question of life.” I found that to be such a deep answer, because I personally feel that everyone has a different point of view on what they believe life is. I think that Rafelski’s response can be understood in so many different ways. In the section “Why do cells change the way they do — and can we get them to change in different ways?” I didn’t know that scientists still don’t know “how cells change between states.” For the last section, “What does it mean to understand cells, anyway?” I agree with Johnson when he says he thinks “that ‘understanding a cell’ means very different things to different people.” As Johnson explains what all people might see ‘understanding a cell’ I think that there will be many debates if scientists finally “understood a cell” or not.

Keertana Terala said...

I read the article, "Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else". I found this article very interesting because of the author, Chad Orzel's, opinion on a career in STEM. The whole idea of students entering college with a too "practical" study intrigues me because as learning and growing humans we see improvement and getting into good schools as a race that we NEED to win. When the author talks about people being too "niched in" before even getting to college, that seems like kids these days are being misled and as the author mentions, "ignoring 'what really matters'". The author believes that people should go into a career because they find it interesting and fun, and not because of what the field could give them, but what they could give the field. In a way, it's as if this author believes that without a love for a career in STEM you can't get anywhere with it, and that's why most people that are in that path do truly care about the subject and aren't just there for a paycheck. That passion and drive are the only things that can get you anywhere in a STEM career, and for that matter, any career that you wish to take on.

Anonymous said...

I found the article, “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else” to be very eye opening due to the fact that it asks a multitude of valid questions. For example Orzel remarks that he doesn't recall at time where he didn’t want to do smoke sort of science. Personally I have not always wanted to pursue a STEM major, in contrast in engineering was an attractive field to me as well. Another statement that is pro activities is that STEM majors should only pursue those specific majors if they are truly passionate about it. What about a person that is conflicted about the field they want to pursue? Is this meant to discourage them about the field or sharpen their focus about it and be passionate about it? Additionally, after reading the article about “5 things we (still) don't know about cells”, learned many things about the development of our modern understanding of biology and cells. I found the section about Why is a muscle cell not a neuron?, very interesting. The origin of both the muscle cell and the neuron come from the stem cell which has the potential to become any cell, whose function is determined by the nucleus. I found this interesting since both structures start from a blank slate.

Anonymous said...

In “Bonobos Get Their Iodine From Swampy Plants- Ancient Humans Might Have As Well,” scientists found a possible answer on how pre-industrial humans may have survived without the use of artificial supplements, such as the kind we use now. Bonobos are slender, three and a half foot apes that have a similar iodine requirement as humans. When the scientists studied the foods that the bonobos currently consume, they got closer to understanding how ancient humans were provided with enough iodine in the Congo Basin. It was a place that was believed to have inadequate resources to provide sufficient amounts of iodine. The researchers collected all the foods that the apes ate and discovered that two foods in particular, rushes and white water lilies, contained nearly the same amount of iodine as seaweed. This revelation forced scientists to rethink the capabilities of the resources in the Congo Basin. The article highlighted the importance of iodine as well. Iodine is imperative because it provides humans with thyroid hormones, which is essential to metabolism in adults and fetal brain development. A deficiency of iodine can cause goiters, which makes it hard to breathe and swallow. In the present day, iodine has been added to salt. It is thought that iodine promoted advanced cognition, a larger brain size and, therefore, a greater IQ.

This article was very intriguing because our ancestors have always been interesting to me. It is fascinating to think of a time when many of the materials we have today, did not exist. For example, when iodized salt, a food that was created in order to provide a generous amount of iodine, had yet to be invented, our ancestors used water lilies to fulfill the needs. I enjoy trying to understand how life was without these materials. The article answered one of the many questions I have regarding our ancestors and the life they lived.

Another article I found interesting was “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else.” In this article, the author talked about why he pursued a STEM career and became a scientist. It also discussed one of the biggest mistakes that can be made when choosing a career path; choosing a career for the wrong reasons. For example, some students only want to study STEM related subjects in order to obtain a future filled with money. One should choose to study these subjects because they are interested in the field or something has inspired them. This article was thought provoking because the author mentioned how one person, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, led him to choose a certain career. A visiting-speaking program that discussed Sisyphus cooling, led the author to end up studying cold-atom experimental physics. It is astounding to think about how one lecture and one particular scientist, guided the author to his future.

Anonymous said...

I found the article, "Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else" interesting because of the points the author, Chad Orzel, had made on careers in STEM. Orzel starts with his own story on how he had always had an interest in science and he had always known that this was the field he was destined to be in. He made the point that many students choose the STEM field solely for the fact that they could make large amounts of money, not because they have a love for the field. I agree with this statement because so many students around me are looking for fields that will make them the most money, not looking for fields that intrigue them. I agree with the belief that people who are in a field they love and enjoy will do better than people who are in it for the money because if you don't enjoy what you're doing, then whats the point? Not only does this apply for the STEM field, but it applies to all fields. Not only should you enjoy the STEM field, you should also feel the want to make a difference and not just the want to receive a a big paycheck.

Anonymous said...

After reading the three articles which were presented, I found myself most intrigued by the article titled “5 things we (still) don't know about cells.” It attracted my attention because we focused a lot into the study of cells in biology last year. The word “still” caught my eyes while I was reading the title. While reading I realized how huge the world of minuscule cells actually is. It is hard to imagine the vast environment, countless processes, and number of possibilities that exist in these small building blocks of life. Even though we were taught a lot about areas of biology, such as stem cells and mitosis and meiosis, there remains to be a gaping hole in what we know up to date. Johnson, a cell biologist and visualization scientist, said, “definitions and lists and observations we’re making now will help us figure out what are the differences and commonalities between human cells and other mammalian cells, between mammalian cells and other species of cells, between the same cell and its state five minutes ago, and between all the cells in the human body.” Unlocking this door will lead to an entirely new world. Gaining a deeper understanding of the complexity of cells will be essential to solving many health issues we face today. It will allow scientists to make connections between species, discover cures to diseases, and gain a better appreciation of our bodies and the way they function. For example, by grasping more knowledge on the cell cycle which includes the distinct cell states, we can conquer the dangers of cancer. As Rafelski perfectly put, “What is the fundamental question of cell biology? It’s the fundamental question of life.” I think this quote grasps the essence of biology because it really emphasizes how crucial it is to unearth the mysteries of our own physical anatomy. Since cell’s are our makeup it is important to completely interpret all of their structures and functions.

“Why Study Science?” by Chad Orzel introduced a valid point. Orzel explained that students should only devote themselves to the STEM field if they show passion for what they are doing. One must love what they are doing in order to develop and return quality results. There must always be a crave to discover and yearn for more. Without this certain hunger, individuals will not be driven to accomplish wonders. Scientists are continually attempting to find explanations to all of life’s unanswered questions. They must work tirelessly and giving up is never an option. It’s only possible to deliver outcomes if they have a motivation to move forward and continue to travel into the vast expanse of darkness hiding all the secrets of science.

Brianna Spadafora said...

Article one capitalizes on the knowledge gaps of cell biology. Despite the fact that cells were discovered three hundred fifty years ago, multiple fundamental questions about cells remain unanswered. Firstly, scientists do not fully understand the specialization of cells that occurs when they “read” different parts of the genome in order to become a specific kind of cell. Another uncertainty lies within understanding the life stages of cells: currently, scientists are unable to categorize observable stages and believe that the life cycle may differ amongst different kinds of cells. In order to gain understanding of the versatility of the cell life cycle, scientists at the Allen Institute are currently observing stem and heart muscle cells. Such an understanding is highly significant since it will enable researchers to distinguish between stages of a healthy cell versus an unhealthy cell. The formation of cells is also beyond the understanding of scientists currently, but the Allen Institute is also researching this using live cell imaging and computational modeling. The article concludes with the statement that there is discrepancy about what it means to truly understand a cell as scientists hold differing opinions on the subject. As a result, it may be a while until scientists understand all there is to know about cells. The second article focuses on iodine, a key element in brain development. A lack of iodine can cause hypothyroidism, goiter, and health issues in newborns with iodine-deficient mothers. Iodine started to be incorporated into the American diet in 1924 when it was added to salt. It also snuck its way into America’s diet with the increased popularity of soy and dairy products. Increased iodine consumption triggered an overall IQ increase, proving the fact that it helps brain development. A recent study followed the diet of bonobos and revealed that water lilies and rushes were often consumed by them. Scientists often wondered how they survived when the area they lived in, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was so scarce in iodine. However, with the recent study of their diet, it was determined that the pith of the water lilies and rushes provided them with the source of iodine they needed. While these plants have been of no significant use to humans, they actually have been essential to the survival of the bonobos. Overall, a prominent idea in both of these articles is the idea that there is still an abundance of information that scientists have yet to discover. This ultimately emphasizes not only what humans do not know about biology, but the potential for their knowledge about it.

Pranav Narang said...

An article that I read was called "Why study science" which reflected upon the reasons one may want to pursue a career in STEM. The author of this informative article is an expert in cold atom physics, who writes about what really brought him and should bring others into such a field of work. Throughout the article, the author talks about how he felt a fire within himself when studying for and simply doing his job within physics. He then goes on the explain that people who want to specialize in such careers should not do it for the money, and just cannot, since truly inspiration and passion leads one into a certain line of work. i feel a connection on a personal level to this because of how my parents and others have talked about how choosing certain careers can lead to riches, but this article helps bring arise to a multitude of questions. Is money really the most significant aspect of choosing your career, or is the passion most vital? As the passage progresses, the reader is expected to come to an understanding that a future paycheck will be of no value if the career is something one dreads being in.

Anonymous said...

As someone who isn’t planning on going into the STEM, shocking for someone who wants to take AP Biology, people tend to question what kind of job I could get in the area I want to study. To me, STEM has always been a field where, no matter what you studied, you were guaranteed a high-paying career. As the article, “Why Study Science?”, mentioned, parents tend to find comfort in the idea of their children choosing to go into STEM. I, for the most part, believed that’s why most people decided on going into STEM. The guarantee of a job and the practical use of a STEM degree makes it an incredibly appealing field. I’m glad to know now that most people choose STEM because they simply like the field. They find it interesting enough to want to spend four years or more of their life studying it. This is something everyone relates to in their attempts to find something to major in. People choose based on what they like and hope they can stick with that thing long enough to get a degree.

Anonymous said...

The informative article I read was titled, “Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else”, in which the author briefly discussed the reasons one would desire to pursue a career in the STEM field, alongside with the reasons of why he chose the STEM field. Numerous people correlate money to jobs, however, this convincing author demonstrates a multitude of valid points that prove that money is not the reason for a particular job in the STEM field. Although that is true, multiple students around me are still taking courses for STEM simply because of the valuable amounts of money it will offer in the future. Moving on, this author mentions how everyone should have an interest in his or her job. Furthermore, the author states how inspiration, motivation, and passion should truly be the reason of why one is working in a field, most particularly, the STEM field. The author uses himself as an example to display the fact that one should truly love their job and not the money. Anyways, this article has guided me to the right path and it has assured me that money is not everything. All in all, I agree with this author in his beliefs about the reason of why one should study science.

Riya Patel said...

One of the articles I chose to read is “5 things we (still) don't know about cells.” I found it interesting because since I was a child, biology has always intrigued me, and I often wonder about how certain aspects of the human body or life itself were discovered. I know that not everything is known, but I also know that humans have discovered quite a lot of information in the past couple of centuries. Cells are the basic building blocks of life, as I was taught sitting in my elementary school classroom years before. To find that we have discovered little details like ribosomes, cytoplasm, DNA, and more, I thought: What else can cells propose? The article mentions five key points about cells that remain unexplained. First, the article introduces the complex nature of muscle cells and neurons, and why there are different. Knowing the different functions that are surprisingly similar in both of these cells, Rick Horowitz, a biologist from the Allen Institute, questions how muscle cells and neurons become two different cells. The second matter concerns cells and their phases. Over 30,000 images of stem cells seem to record a different state each time, which makes it difficult for scientists and researchers to differentiate which phase belongs to which state, or vice versa. The third concern is about how cells are essentially made. In a way its magical for different molecules to come together and form a genetic cell that carries out so many functions. The answer is simply unknown. The fourth issue is about why cells change, and whether or not it is possible for humans to control the change cells go through. For medical advancements, researchers are looking for the key to alternations in cells, typically to create new organs or body parts for transplant patients. The fifth and final argument is the purpose behind understanding cells. Cells can be the answer to a variety of questions, so what can cells really offer for disease or drug development, or computerized programs. It is going to take loads of research to investigate these facets of cells if they are even meant to be known to man. I wonder what all these answers can do for cell biology and the development of future technology.